The balance of nature is a delicate
system of checks and counter-checks. Nature has its own way of checking the life
and distribution of the different organisms and helping their growth. An
epidemic may be considered nature’s way of checking population growth. Man in
his attempt to conquer nature and to utilise it to his advantage has interfered
with the balance of nature, thereby creating problems of a complex nature.
Nature’s ways of maintaining the balance are intricate and not easily understood
and man’s application of his scientific knowledg A. simple and easily understood B. intricate and not easily understood C. mysterious and unknown D. everchanging [简答题]请简述余热锅炉的组成?
A.先办理补收票价差额手续 B.先办理补收票价差额手续,核收手续费 C.先补收全价票价,开具客运记录 D.先办理补收票价差额手续,开具客运记录 [简答题]载体具有的特征?
[多选题]根据《国家赔偿法》的规定,下列有关行政赔偿义 务机关的表述,哪些是错误的( )
A.行政机关及其工作人员行使职权侵犯公民、法人和其 它组织的合法权益造成损害的,该行政机关为赔偿义务机关 B.两个以上行政机关共同行使行政职权时侵犯公民、法人和其它组织的合法权益造成损害的,共同行使行政职权的行政机关为共同赔偿义务机关 C.复议机关的复议决定加重损害的,最初造成侵权行为的行政机关为赔偿义务机关 D.受行政机关委托的组织在行使受委托的行政权力时 侵犯公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益造成损害的,受委托 的组织为赔偿义务机关 [判断题]部分较轻的心理问题是可以自愈的。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题] Estimates of campus violence range widely due to both the (47)______ official statistics and the use of different definitions and data collection methods in surveys. Existing data indicate, however, that a substantial minority of college students experience some type of violence and related consequences. According to one nationally representative survey of college students, (48)______ 17 percent of students reported experiencing some form of violence in the previous year.
Common forms of campus violence include sexual and interpersonal violence. A 1997 national telephone survey found that 1.7 percent of college women had experienced a completed rape and 1.1 percent an attempted rape in the seven months (49)______ the survey. Projecting these figures over an entire calendar year, the survey’’s authors concluded that nearly 5 percent of college women might be victimized annually and that (50)______ 25 percent might be assaulted by the end of their college years. In the same stud
A. 量力授权 B. 适当控制 C. 充分信任 D. 越级指挥 [单选题]银行通常规定,个人汽车贷款的展期期限不得超过( )年。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [判断题]1.198. 第198题
敷设电缆时,须考虑电缆与热管道及其他管道的距离。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]左侧特发性面神经麻痹患者可以出现的症状、体征()
A. 左侧面部感觉减退或消失 B. 张口时下颌偏向左侧 C. 伸舌左偏,左侧舌肌萎缩 D. 左眼睑下垂 E. 左眼闭合不全 [判断题]在沉淀重量分析中,陈化是使沉淀从细小晶体变成大晶体的过程。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]设栈S和队列Q的初始状态为空,元素a、b、c、d、e和f依次通过栈S,一个元素出栈后即进入队列Q,若6个元素出队的顺序是b、d、c、f、e、a,则栈S的容量至少应该是( )。
A. 6 B. 4 C. 3 D. 2 [单选题]签派员与机组的交流属于( )交流
A.外部 B.内部 C.横向 D.纵向 [单选题]原发性高血压辅助检查的描述中正确的是
A.心电图检查可见病理性Q波 B.超声心动图常可见右心室肥厚 C.胸部X线可见右心扩大 D.眼底检查有助于了解高血压严重程度 E.动态血压监测一般测定12小时血压变化 [单项选择]在帕瑞对青年期思维发展阶段的划分中,约定性阶段表现为( )。
A. 对问题的看法非此即彼 B. 不再毫无区分地把知识当作不变的真理 C. 能结合个人的实际情况具体问题具体分析 D. 什么事情都无所谓对错 [单选题]《浙江省人民政府关于改革国有企业工资决定机制的实施意见》规定,进一步改革工资总额管理方式,全省国有企业均实行( )。
A.工效挂钩管理 B.工资总额预算管理 C.绩效工资管理 D.工资总额分类管理 我来回答: 提交