{{B}}Is the News Believable {{/B}} Unless you have gone through the experience yourself, or watched a loved one’s struggle, you really have no idea just how desperate cancer can make you. You pray, you rage, you bargain with God, but most of all you clutch at any hope, no matter how remote, of a second chance at life. For a few excited days last week, however, it seemed as if the whole world was a cancer patient and that all humankind had been granted a reprieve (痛苦减轻). Triggered by a front-page medical news story in the usually reserved New York Times, all anybody was talking about — on the radio, on television, on the Internet, in phone calls to friends and relatives — was the report that a combination of two new drugs could, as the Times put it, "cure cancer in two years." In a matter of hours p A. a nationwide discussion of the topic. B. an announcement by the National Cancer Institute. C. a report in the New York Times. D. a medical news story in the Los Angeles Times. [单选题]关于道路危险货物运输企业使用车辆的要求,下列说法错误的是( )。
A.禁止使用报废的、擅自改装的、检测不合格的、车辆技术等级达不到一级的和其他不符合国家规定的车辆从事道路危险货物运输 B.禁止使用移动罐体(罐式集装箱除外)从事危险货物运输 C.倾卸式车辆只能运输散装硫黄、萘饼、粗蒽、煤焦沥青等危险货物,禁止用作其他危险货物的运输 D.可以使用罐式专用车辆或者运输有毒、感染性、腐蚀性危险货物的专用车辆运输普通货物 [判断题]"在道路与铁路道口遇到一个红灯亮时要尽快通过道口。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]暴风雪及台风暴雨后,应对高处作业安全设施逐一加以检查,发现有松动、变形、损坏或脱落等现象,应立即向上级汇报。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高压喷射注浆复合地基要求桩位允许偏差为≤ ,桩径允许偏差为≥ mm。
A.0.2D,-50 B.0.4D,-80 C.0.2D,-80 D.0.4D,-50 [判断题]根据连接桥所处位置的不同,桥式接线又分为外桥式接线和内桥式接线( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]培训效果评估可以分为正式评估和非正式评估,其中,对培训效果进行正式评估的优点包括哪些?
[听力原文] A. 5 minutes. B. 10 minutes. C. 15 minutes. D. 25 minutes. [单选题]煤层受力后产生断裂,并且断裂面两侧煤体发生了明显位移,此构造称为()。(1.0分)
A.褶曲 B.断层 C.裂隙 [判断题]( )1808脐带是连接胎儿和胎盘的纽带。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]35kV及10kV/400kVA以上的变压器如采用地面平台安装,装设变压器的平台应高出地面0.5m,其四周应装设高度不低于1.7m的围栏。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]骨盆测量数值正常的是()
A. 坐骨棘间径8.5cm B. 髂嵴间径23cm C. 骶耻外径19cm D. 髂棘间径21cm E. 坐骨结节间径11cm [单选题]高速公路LED信息标志技术中LED为( )的英文缩写。
A.发光单级管 B.发光二级管 C.发光三级管 我来回答: 提交