A serious critic has to comprehend the
particular content, unique structure, and special meaning of a work of art. And
here she faces a dilemma. The critic must recognize the artistic element of
uniqueness that requires subjective reaction; yet she must not be unduly
prejudiced by such reactions. Her likes and dislikes are less important
than what the work itself communicates, and her preferences may blind her to
certain qualities of the work and thereby prevent an adequate understanding of
it. Hence, it is necessary that a critic develop a sensibility informed by
familiarity with the history of art and aesthetic theory. On the other hand, it
is insufficient to treat the artwork solely historically, in relation to a fixed
set of ideas or values. The critic’s knowledge and training are, rather, a
preparation of the cognitive and emotional abilities needed for A. an attack on sentimentality B. an example of successful art criticism C. a critique of artists’ training D. a warning against extremes in art criticism [单选题]有人认为,地球上产生生命是纯粹偶然的,没有任何必然性,就像一个人偶然得到一笔巨款成为百万富翁一样。从哲学上看,这是一种
A. 宿命论观点 B. 非决定论观点 C. 庸俗唯物主义观点 D. 庸俗进化论观点 [单项选择]()是业主确认监理单位履行合同的主要依据。
A. 监理方案 B. 监理合同 C. 监理规划 D. 监理细则 [单项选择]办公室的张小姐体态肥胖,今天上班时穿了一件在你看来很不得体的衣服。张小姐征求你对她的服装的意见,你会()。
A. 告诉张小姐,她穿这件衣服,显得更难看 B. 对张小姐说,穿衣服只是形式,保持良好的心志更重要 C. 对张小姐说,你自己觉得好是最重要的 D. 告诉张小姐,自己的看法是不准确的,征求别人意见吧 [单选题]发动机( ),是导致气门脚产生异响的原因之一。
A.气门间隙过大 B.气门间隙过小 C.气门座圈松动 D.气门弹簧折断 [判断题]用调整法对刀时引起的工件加工误差属于随机性误差。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]反应软粘土原状结构强度的指标是()
A. 灵敏度 B. 内摩擦角 C. 粘聚力 D. 粒径大小 [单选题]某医院床位1500张,由于三级医院评审需要设置ICU病房。医院ICU需配置护士最少为多少人
A.140 B.100 C.80 D.60 E.40 [单选题]发生因本人违章造成的事故扣()。
A.5分 B.2分 C.15分 D.10分 [单选题] 患者,男性,67岁,高血压病史20余年,近1周劳累过度,今日出现剧烈头痛、头晕,恶心,测血压205/120mmHg。住院一周后症状消失,血压恢复至140/90mmHg。告知患者高血压预防措施中,错误的一项是( )
A.保持乐观的情绪 B.避免体力活动 C.清淡饮食 D.戒烟 E.控制摄入总钠量 我来回答: 提交