The debate over spanking (打屁股) goes
back many years, but the essential question often escapes discussion: Does
spanking actually work In the short term, yes. You can correct immediate
misbehavior with a slap or two on the rear end or hand. But what about the
long-term impact Can spanking lead to permanent, hidden scars on children years
later On Sept 25, a sociologist from the University of New Hampshire, Murray Straus, presented a paper at the International Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (创伤) in San Diego suggesting that corporal punishment (体罚) does leave a long-lasting mark—in the form of lower IQ. Straus, who is 83 and has been studying corporal punishment since 1969, found that kids who were physically punished had up to a five-point lower IQ score than kids who weren’t. So how might getting spanked on the bottom actually af A. Spanking has nothing to do with brain hurt. B. It’s not children’s fault not going to college. C. Physical punishment can affect kids emotionally. D. Parental education plays no part in kids’ study. [判断题]旅客列车站停作业规定:有客列检时必须在列车尾部下车作业,无客列检时就近下车作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]企业风险分级管控清单建立后应在一个建设周期内保持风险信息不变。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]现场用电检查确认有窃电行为的,应如何处理?
A.应急管理部消防救援局或者省级消防救援总队主官签署 B.应急管理部消防救援局 C.省级消防救援总队主官签署 D.支队主官签署 [单选题]电焊工在作业时,旁边要有人员( ),防止触电事故。
A.监护 B.监督 C.帮助 D.看护 [单项选择]