The year 2005 was a good year for me. I came to
China and started teaching English. I’ve also met a lot of nice people and seen
a lot of new, interesting things. But for many people 2005 was a disaster. The
earth got angry and destroyed the lives of thousands. A tsunami (海啸) last Christmas killed tens of thousands of people around the Indian Ocean. It was a terrible event but the relief effort was wonderful. Countries from around the world, including China, got together to help the victims re-build their lives. The earth got angry again in late summer when a hurricane (飓风) drowned the American city of New Orleans. Luckily, not many people died but hundreds of thousands had their lives turned upside down. And, finally, in October, the earth shook. A giant earthquake (地震) i [单选题]实施义务教育需要一系列的办学条件,其中最重要的是()。
A.办学经费和设备 B.办学经费和师资 C.基础设施和师资 D.经费和设施 [单选题]对诊断嗜铬细胞瘤特异性最高的试验是
A.尿VMA测定 B.高血糖素激发实验 C.可乐定抑制实验 D.血E和NE的测定 E.尿E和NE荧光法测定 [判断题]‘年起,每年春分被确定为中国农民丰收节。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 将一段均匀的阻值为R的导线从中间对折合成一条新导线,其阻值为( )。
A.1/4R B.1/2R C.2R D.4R [多选题]认定起火物的条件和要求有:( )
A.认定的起火物必须是起火点中的起火物 B.认定的起火物必须与起火源作用结果和特征吻合 C.认定的起火物比其周围的可燃物被烧程度严重 D.认定液体、气体为起火物时,要注意其基本参数 [单项选择]依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是()。
A. ③②①⑤④ B. ①②③⑤④ C. ③⑤④①② D. ①⑤④③② [单选题]合格证持有人在其所运营的飞机上开放机上PED使用前应当建立的使用规范不包括( )。
A.可以使用的PED种类 B.明确可用/禁用的飞行阶段 C.明确PED的存放、保管和应急处置要求 D.违法责任 [简答题]在请求分页管理中,已修改过的页面再次装入时应来自___。(1分)
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