Silence Please If there is one group of workers across the Western world who will be glad that Christmas is over, that group is shop workers. It is not that they like to complain. They realize that they are going to be rushed off their feet at Christmas. They know that their employers need happy customers to make their profits that pay their wages. But there is one thing about working in a shop over Christmas that is too bad to tolerate. That thing is music. These days, all shops and many offices have what is known as "Piped music" or "muzak" playing for all the hours that they are open. Muzak has an odd history. During the 1940s, music was played to cows as part of a scientific experiment. It was found th A. Social. B. Physical. C. Psychological. D. Both physical and psychological. [单选题]光纤传输损耗的因素是( )。
A.材料吸收.发射频率.光波长度.辐射影响 B.材料吸收.材料散射.机械变形.辐射影响 C.材料散射.发射功率.发射频率.光波长度 [单项选择]在药品质量标准制定中,以下叙述不正确的是
A. 原料药的含量测定应有选容量分析法 B. 吸收系数应分别在不同型号的仪器上测定后计算 C. 制剂的含量测定应首选仪器分析法 D. 制剂分析通常不进行一般杂质的检查 E. 复方制剂的含量测定应首选紫外分光光度法 [判断题]军用人员列车换算长度按52.0编组。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]电工式的电能表检定装置的主要部件有哪些?
A. 单个核细胞沉于管底,红细胞悬浮于血浆层中,血小板分布于界面 B. 血小板沉于管底,红细胞悬浮于血浆层中,单个核细胞分布于界面 C. 单个核细胞沉于管底,血小板悬浮于血浆层中,红细胞分布于界面 D. 红细胞沉于管底,血小板悬浮于血浆层中,单个核细胞分布于界面 E. 血小板沉于管底,单个核细胞悬浮于血浆层中,红细胞分布于界面 [单选题] CNS/ATM 中的 N是指( )
A. 通信 B. 导航 C. 监视 D. 空中交通管理 我来回答: 提交