LG Electronics Inc, the world’s No. 3
mobile phone handset maker, said on Tuesday that it had{{U}} (26)
{{/U}}picked to{{U}} (27) {{/U}}third-generation (3G) mobile
handsets to all three carriers in China. As Chinese operators roll out
long-waited advanced mobile services this year, the{{U}} (28) {{/U}}for
3G handsets in China was{{U}} (29) {{/U}}to more than{{U}} (30)
{{/U}}to 30 million units in 2010 from 14 million this year, LG said in a
statement. Analysts said South Korean mobile phone{{U}} (31) {{/U}}Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd and LG could benefit{{U}} (32) {{/U}}China’s 3G service launches, as they had technological leads{{U}} (33) {{/U}}Chinese companies in making phones{{U}} (34) {{/U}}sophisticated 3G features. The world’s top handset maker Nokia is{{U}} (35) {{/U}}to focus on the WCDMA network in Ch A. being B. been C. to be D. be [判断题]企业必须正确承包商的安全工作统一协调、管理。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]HXD3 电力机车高压电压互感器次边输出还可为原边电压的检测和电度表的计量提供电压输 入。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]In order to rent and drive a car in Japan, you require a Japanese driving license or an international driving permit. In case of France, Germany and Switzerland, an official translation of your home country’s driving license is required.
International driving permits must be obtained in your home country, usually through the National Automobile Association, before you leave for Japan. They are valid for one year and must be accompanied by your home country’s driving license in order to be valid. Japan recognizes only international driving permits, which are based on the Geneva Convention of 1949. Some countries, such as France, Germany and Switzerland, however, issue international driving permits, Which are based on different conventions. The permits issued by those countries are not valid in Japan. Instead, people with a French, German or Swiss driver’s license can drive in Japan for up to one year with an official Japanese translation of their driving licenses. Contac A. They obtain it in their home country. B. They obtain it while they arrive in Japan. C. They obtain it in a third country. D. They can buy one instead. [单选题]从2006年元旦起我国政府正式取消了延续2600年的农业税。我国农业税的征收始于( )。
A.春秋时期鲁国的初税亩 B.战国时期的商秧变法 C.秦朝的按亩纳税 D.西汉的编户齐民 [多选题]变电运维人员应熟知消防设施和器材的使用方法,熟知火警电话及报警方法,熟知消防器材摆放地点及本单位消防负责人联系方式,掌握( )。
A.火灾报警方法 B.应急处置能力 C.自救逃生知识 D.消防技能 [单选题]334、示波器面板上的“辉度”是调节()的电位器旋钮。
A.控制栅极负电压 B.控制栅极正电压 C.阴极负电压 D.阳极正电压 [单项选择]渗透泵片剂控释的基本原理是()
A. 药物被水渗透崩解 B. 片外渗透压大于片内,将片内药物压出 C. 药片通过胃肠道挤压将药物释放 D. 药物慢慢从片中溶蚀出来 E. 片剂膜内渗透压大于片剂膜外,将药物从细孔压出 [多项选择]热电阻产生显示仪表指示负值的原因()。
A. 接线错 B. 热电阻短路 C. 电阻丝受腐蚀变质 D. 热电阻断路 [单项选择]治疗烟酸缺乏症中应给予的药物是()
A. 烟酸或烟酰胺 B. 白蛋白 C. B族维生素 D. 抗生素类 E. 铁制剂 [判断题]行政管理区、消防泵房、专用消防站、总变电所宜位于地势相对较低的场地处,但必须有防止事故状况下流淌火流向该场地的措施.
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]根据《煤矿重大安全隐患认定办法(试行)》之规定:矿井月产量超过当月产量计划10%的,属于煤矿重大安全生产隐患。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]地铁广播系统按照设备服务对象划分为( )。
A.中心广播系统 B.车站广播系统 C.车辆段及停车场广播系统 D.广播控制盒 [单选题]商业银行不可接受的财产质押为()。
A.出质人所有的、依法有权处分的机器、交通运输工具和其他动产 B.依法可以转让的基金份额、股权 C.依法可以转让的商标专用权、专利权、著作中的财产权等知识产权 D.租用的财产 [多项选择]对于纳入土地收购储备的项目,其土地开发完成后,以下说法正确的是( )。
A. 土地储备开发成本全部由市土地储备机构承担 B. 依法以出让方式供应的,由政府与受让人签订土地出让合同,土地储备开发成本由土地使用权人承担 C. 依法以出让方式供应的,由政府与受让人签订土地出让合同,同时由土地储备开发实施单位与受让人签订土地储备开发补偿合同,收回土地储备开发成本 D. 依法以划拨方式供应的,土地储备开发成本通常由土地使用权人承担 [填空题]邓宁认为,决定企业对外直接投资的要素有三个:()、()和区位优势。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]
Describe a Wedding Describe a wedding you attended. You should say. Whose wedding it was. When & where it took place. What happened at the wedding. [多选题]高层民用建筑不宜布置在( ) 附近。
A. 甲、乙类厂(库)房. B. 甲、乙、丙类液体储罐. C. 可燃材料堆场. D. 公共建筑 E. 可燃气体储罐. [多选题]下列各项,在计算房产税时应计入房产原值的有( )。
A.过道 B.电梯 C.升降梯 D.独立于房屋之外的酒窖 E.屋顶晒台 我来回答: 提交