如果使用简易呼吸机,简易呼吸机挤压一次入肺的空气量约为() The swelling ranks of successful
Ethiopians( 埃塞俄比亚人) on the international athletic track and the media attention
they are receiving has inspired thousands of youngsters to devote all their
energy to becoming the future champions of distance running. Haile currently
reigns(统治) supreme as the world’s greatest distance runner. He has set 15 world
records and at 2000 year’s Sydney Olympics he retained the Olympic Gold medal he
first won in 1996. He is the latest in a long line. The world woke up to this
phenomenon in the 1960 Roma Olympics, when Ethiopian Abebe Bikila won the men’s
marathon(马拉松) barefoot. Being born in the mountains means their bodies have already compensated for the lack of oxygen by having bigger hangs and more red blood cells. Not only do their bodies carry oxygen to the cells more efficiently; the cells A. talented distance runners coming out of Ethiopia B. distance runners running out of Ethiopia C. distance running winners in the Olympics D. distance runners running bare foot [单项选择]技术的价值具有(),技术的发明和运用对人产生价值。
A. 单维性 B. 复合性 C. 多维性 D. 层次性 [判断题]存款人已开通多级账簿的账户发生被法院扣划或发生非税收扣款等情况当日未申请扣款调整的,日终系统自动批量调整,调整顺序为按多级账簿编号从小到大的顺序依次调整。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]起爆药包放在靠近眼口第一或第二药包位置,并将雷管聚能穴朝向底眼,为反向起爆。
[单选题] 分度头的手柄转一周,装夹在主轴上的工件转( )。 "
A.1周 B.20周 C.40周 D.1/40周" [判断题]对执行押送的执法官员和被押送的犯罪嫌疑人可以提供少量的含酒精的饮料
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]公民、法人或者其他组织未经行政许可,擅自从事依法应当取得行政许可的活动的,行政机关应当依法采取措施予以制止,并依法给予行政处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在Photoshop中,用钢笔工具绘制路径时,路径上的点称为()
A. 锚点 B. 插入点 C. 顶点 D. 转折点 [单选题]通用知识:进人冬季及时按规定将蓄电池电解液密度由1.24~1.25调整为( )。
A.1.26~1.27 B.1.30~1.40 C.1.40~1.50 D.1.50~1.60 [单选题]在一般微处理器中,______包含在CPU中。
A.算术逻辑单元 B.主内存 C.输入/输出设备 D.磁盘驱动器 [单选题]运行人员巡视时,发现变压器内部有爆裂声,应()。
A.适当减负荷,继续运行 B. 申请停电处理 C.可不作操作,继续运行 [单选题]通信电缆根据( )可以分为:塑套电缆、钢丝钢带铠装电缆、组合护套电缆等。
A.电缆纤芯结构 B.绝缘材料和绝缘结构 C.敷设和运行条件 D.护层类型 [多选题]危化品侦检方法包括( )。
A.试纸法 B.检测管法 C.仪器检测法 D.采集法 我来回答: 提交