Was the man we know as Shakespeare
really the author of the Shakespearean Works—his comedies and his tragedies Did
he really write the{{U}} (67) {{/U}}, or was he just a man that got
confused There is not even a correct{{U}} (68) {{/U}}of this man’s
name. Shakespeare, Shakespeare, and Shaxpere are{{U}} (69) {{/U}}of
variations. Shakespeare was both fact and fiction. He was nobody’s concern{{U}}
(70) {{/U}}nearly two hundred years after he perished, and there is
still no definite conclusion{{U}} (71) {{/U}}this mystery. There is
another man that can be{{U}} (72) {{/U}}to the works of Shakespeare. His
name is Edward DeVere, the 17th Earl of Oxford. The man known as Shakespeare
does not{{U}} (73) {{/U}}perfectly into the necessary criteria to{{U}}
(74) {{/U}}the author of these works. Thomas Looney established a
series of criteria A. distinction B. decision C. claim D. comment [单选题]中度营养不良患儿热量和蛋白质供给开始应为( )
A.热量40kcal/(kg·d),蛋白质2g/(kg·d) B.热量60kcal/(kg·d),蛋白质2g/(kg·d) C.热量80kcal/(kg·d),蛋白质2g/(kg·d) D.热量100kcal/(kg·d),蛋白质4g/(kg·d) E.热量120kcal/(kg·d),蛋白质3g/(kg·d) [单项选择]After reading the passage, we may know the writer is a person of______.
A. observation B. curiosity C. encouragement D. consideration [单选题]已操作的操作票应注明()字样。操作票至少应保存1年。
A.已操作 B.已执行 C.合格 D.已终结 [单选题](单选题 ) 煤粉着火的主要热源来自( )。
A.炉内高温烟气的直接混入; B.二次风的热量; C.炉膛辐射热; D.挥发分燃烧的热量。 [判断题]当今时代,文化在综合国力竞争中的地位日益重要, 谁占据了文化发展的制高点, 谁就能够更好地在激烈的国际竞争中掌握主动权。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]燃烧器一次风出口风速过高,对着火和燃烧不利,风速过低,有可能烧损燃烧器。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]道岔转辙部分主要零件有( )。
A.尖轨顶铁 B.护轨 C.轨撑 D.滑床板 E.双头螺栓 [单选题]吸收塔塔径的确定是以( )为依据来计算的。
A.进料量 B.塔内上升气量 C.塔内下降液体 D.空塔速度 [单选题]发现设备故障隐患后,应登记申请( )天窗。
A.维修 B.施工 C.临时 [判断题]采掘面内部或周边存在废弃井筒、各类大孔径钻孔、 封闭不良钻孔的,可以依赖井筒、钻孔调查资料,不必制定专项探测方案
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]Is there any hope of ( )the gold medal?
A. John to win B. John win C. winning John D. John’s winning [单选题]《铁路消防管理办法》规定,旅客车站应严禁( )。
A.以上都是 B.超负荷用电 C.违章使用电热器具 D.擅自拉接临时电气线路 [判断题](2018年)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
十八大以来党中央坚决查处了周永康、徐才厚等严重违纪违法案件,但要让官员不敢腐,更要让官员不能腐、不想腐,这才是中央的目标。从文化生活角度看,要让官员不想腐,就要()。 A. ①② B. ①④ C. ③④ D. ②③ [单选题]消防救援机构办理行政案件中,违法嫌疑人依法要求听证的,听证由( )组织实施。
A.同级人民政府法制部门 B.该消防救援机构 C.主管公安机关法制部门 D.上级消防救援机构 我来回答: 提交