When a member of an ethnic minority
group acquires the behavior patterns, lifestyles, values, and language of the
mainstream culture we say that he or she has become culturally assimilated.
Since the dominant group controls most of the social, economic, and political
institutions in a society, members of ethnic minority groups must acquire its
cultural traits to move up the social and economic ladder. When studying this
concept, it is important to learn that although non-White ethnic minorities may
become totally assimilated culturally, they will still be victims of
discrimination and racism because of their different physical
characteristics. A widespread myth is that Mexican Americans and Afro-Americans experience discrimination because they often have meager educations and live in ghettos. Even though it is true that man A. they earn little money B. they are poorly educated C. they are non-Whites D. they refuse to acquire a new culture [单项选择]若怀疑肝硬化患者合并肝癌,是其甲胎蛋白检查超过了()
A. 50μg/L B. 100μg/L C. 200μg/L D. 300μg/L E. 500μg/L [填空题]热处理一般包括( )、( )( )三个过程。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]检修调度接收到救援命令时记录信息包括( )?
A.时间、地点 B.现场具体情况 C.现场到场人数 D.事故概况 E.救援命令发出人姓名 [填空题]在温度恒定时,一定量气体的体积与其压力成反比。此定律是()定律。
[单选题]比值CH4/H2有助于判断高温过热故障是涉及导磁回路还是导电回路。如果高温过热故障涉及到导电回路,比值CH4/H2一般::( )
A.大于3 B.大于1 C.接近1 D.接近3 [多选题]钳形电流表在使用时,不正确选择是()
A.最高挡位,然后再根据读数逐次切换 B.最低挡位,然后再根据读数逐次切换 C.刻度一半处,然后再根据读数逐次切换 D.刻度2/3处,然后再根据读数逐次切换 [不定项选择题]人禽流感的主要传染源是
A.鼠 B.人 C.禽 D.猪 E.蚊 [多选题]接入高压配电网的分布式电源()应有名称并报电网管理单位备案。
A.逆变设备 B.用户进线开关 C.并网点开断设备 D.电气接线图 [填空题]Many theories concerning the causes of juvenile delinquency (crimes committed by young people) focus either on the individual or on society as the major contributing influence. Theories ________on the individual suggest that children engage in criminal behavior ________they were not sufficiently penalized for previous misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavior through ________with others. Theories focusing on the role of society suggest that children commit crimes in ________ to their failure to rise above their socioeconomic status, ________ as a rejection of middle-class values.
Most theories of juvenile delinquency have focused on children from disadvantaged families, ________ the fact that children from wealthy homes also commit crimes. The latter may commit crimes ________ lack of adequate parental control. All theories, however, are tentative and are ________ to criticism.
Changes in the social structure may indirecfiy ________ juvenile crime rates. For ex
A. A. system B.structure C.concept D.heritage [判断题]按CFR条件,卖方安排装运,但并不承担保险的义务。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]人类的公共生活是在封建社会时期开始出现的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]一键顺控改造技术试验时,生成任务的实验内容包括:( )、核对当前状态、生成操作任务、添加多个操作任务
A.权限校验 B.新建、顺控操作票 C.执行使能 D.检查操作条件 [判断题]防止机械伤害的“一禁”是指:不懂电器和机械的人员严禁使用和摆弄机电设备.
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]新员工入职转正时间是()。
A.1个月 B.2个月 C.3个月 D.4个月 [单选题]交流测量仪表所指示的读数是正弦量的()。
A.A.有效值 B.B.最大值 C.C.平均值 D.D.瞬时值 [单项选择]《营造法式》作为官方颁布的一部建筑设计、施工的规范书,它出现在()。
A. 唐朝 B. 北宋 C. 南宋 D. 明朝 [单选题]起重吊钩应挂在物件的( )上。
A.重心线 B.略 C.略 D.略 E.略 [多选题]"思想道德与法治"课程有助于大学生( ),从而具备优秀的思想道德素质和法治素养。
A.学习法治思想 B.养成法治思维 C.形成法律思维 D.自觉尊法学法守法用法 [单选题] 题目:.强酸、强碱中毒最适合用哪种物质作保护剂
A.茶叶水 B.阿托品 C.呋噻米 D.依地酸二钠 E.蛋清 [判断题]锉刀、手锯、木钻、螺丝刀等的手柄应安装牢固,没有手柄的也可使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]该风险事件一般情况下产生的损失是10万元。下列关于这10万元的说法中正确的是( )。
A.该风险事件的最大可能损失是10万元 B.该风险事件损失的概率值是10万元 C.该风险事件损失的期望值是10万元 D.该风险事件的在险值是10万元 [单选题]作业人员应经医师鉴定,无妨碍工作的病症,体格检查每( )至少一次。
A.半年 B.一年 C.两年 D.三年 我来回答: 提交