Human beings are animals. We breathe,
cat end digest, and reproduce-the same life (71) common to
all animals. In a biological laboratory, rats, monkeys, and humans seem very
much the same. However, biological understanding is not enough: (72) itself, it can never tell us what human beings are. (73) to our physical equipment—the naked human body—we are not an (74) animal. We are tropical creatures, (75) hairless and sensitive to cold. We are not fast and have neither claws nor sharp teeth to defend ourselves. We need a lot of food but have almost no physical equipment to help us get it. In the purely physical (76) , our species seems a poor (77) for survival. But we have survived—survived and multiplied and (78) the earth. Some day we will have a (79) living on the moon, a plac A. barely B. hardly C. nearly D. scarcely [单项选择]患者男,60岁,因“乏力、食欲减退,伴恶心、呕吐1个月”来诊。高血压病史10年。查体:HP160/100mmHg。实验室检查:Hb75g/L,SCr600μmol/L。B型超声:双肾增大。对明确诊断和指导治疗意义最大的检查是()
A. 尿沉渣镜检 B. 24h尿蛋白定量 C. 指甲肌酐 D. 骨髓穿刺 E. 肾活检 [单选题](单选题)、信噪比定义为摄像机的()的比值。
A.原始图像信号与输出图像信号 B.输出图像信号与原始图像信号 C.图像信号与噪声信号 D.噪声信号与图像信号 [单选题]在火灾中受热当温度升至600℃时,钢结构的强度下降多少?
A.二分之一 B.三分之一 C.三分之二 D.四分之三 [单项选择]从事货物批发、零售的纳税人,在一个公历年度内,年应纳增值税项目的销售额 ( )的可依法被认定为增值税一般纳税人。
A. 超过80万元 B. 超过100万元 C. 超过150万元 D. 超过180万元 [判断题]公司所属各级单位应建立“两票”管理制度,分层次对操作票和工作票进行分析、评价和考核,班组每月一次,基层单位所属的业务支撑和实施机构及其二级机构至少每季度一次,基层单位至少每半年一次。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下面对公文印章使用表述不正确的有()
A.印章是公文生效的标志,是公文的法律依据 B.首长署名的公文,印章盖在姓名的右侧 C.由单一机关制发的公文在落款处不署发文机关名称,只标识成文日期并加盖机关印章 D.两个机关联合制发公文时,主办机关印章在后,并采用同种加盖印章方式,以保证印章排列整齐 [判断题]过失伤害他人致人重伤的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。《中华人民共和国刑法》另有规定的,依照规定。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交