{{B}}What to Do When the Patient Says, ’Please Don’t Tell Mom’{{/B}} Some years ago, in the candor (坦白) of the exam room, a seventh-grade boy told me that he didn’t really have friends at school, and that he sometimes found himself being picked on. I gave’ him the pediatric (儿科的) line on bullying: it shouldn’t be tolerated, and there are things schools can do about it. Let’s talk to your parents, let’s have your parents talk to the school. And he was horrified. He shook his head and asked me please not to interfere, and above all not to say a word to his mother, who was out in the waiting room because I had asked her to give us some privacy. He wouldn’t have told me this at all, he said, except he thought our conversation was private. The situation at school wasn’t all that bad; he could handle it. He [单选题]施工图预算的二级预算编制形式是指( )。
A.编制人编制.审核人审核 B.建筑安装工程预算,设备工器购置费预算 C.单位工程预算.建设项目总预算 D.单项工程综合预算.建设项目总预算 [单选题]《红楼梦》是我国古代著名的长篇小说之一,它的别名是:( )
A.《金陵记》 B.《石头记》 [单项选择]按照《农村信用社员工强制休假暂行办法》,对一般员工每年应按照总人数()的比例安排强制休假。
A. 10-20% B. 20-30% C. 30-40% D. 40-50% [单项选择]根据《行政许可法》的规定,下列选项中的哪种情况,可以设定行政许可
A. 电视台播出什么节目 B. 出版社出版什么书籍 C. 公民之间订立合同 D. 自来水、电力、邮政行业的市场准人 [单项选择]在施工质量的因素中,保证工程质量的重要基础是加强控制()。
A. 人的因素 B. 材料的因素 C. 机械的因素 D. 方法的因素 [单项选择]What’s the strike union made up of
A. Ambulance staff and dentists. B. Dentists and family doctors. C. All of the above. [单选题]火灾燃烧的有毒物质对人体具有刺激、( )、窒息作用,直接威胁着人们的生命安全。
A.麻醉 B.烧毁 C. 烧伤 [多选题]下列关于计算机软件版权的叙述,正确的是( )
A.计算机软件是享有著作保护权的作品 B.未经软件著作人的同意,复制其软件的行为是侵权行为 C.盗版软件是一种免费软件 D.盗版软件是一种违法行为 [判断题]对限制人身自由的行政强制措施不服提起的诉讼,由被告所在地或者原告所在地人民法院管辖。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]总书记指出,社会主义文艺必须坚持以______为中心的创作导向。 ·
A.社会效益 B.市场效益 C.人民 D.受众 [单选题]调车作业中脱轨后的车辆未经车辆人员检查鉴定擅自编入列车,为( )事故。
A.一般D类 B.一般A类 C.一般B类 D.一般C类 [填空题]在同一坠落方向上,一般()进行上下交叉作业,如需进行交叉作业,中间应设置安全防护层。
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