{{B}}Preferences Vary on Circumstances of
Dying{{/B}} Among terminally (晚期) ill people, attitudes differ on what they think constitutes a{{U}} (51) {{/U}}or bad death, the results of a new study suggest. Dr. Elizabeth K. Vig of the University of Washington in Seattle and colleagues interviewed 26 men with{{U}} (52) {{/U}}heart disease or cancer. The men were asked to describe good and bad deaths, and they also answered{{U}} (53) {{/U}}about their preferences for dying. "In this small study, terminally ill men described good and bad deaths{{U}} (54) {{/U}}," Vig said. "They did not hold the same views about such issues{{U}} (55) {{/U}}the presence of others at the very end of life or preferred location of death." Many A. differently B. similarly C. strangely D. fully [单项选择]纸质滤芯式机油滤器用来过滤直径在()毫米以下的杂质。
A. 0.001 B. 0.0012 C. 0.01 D. 0.1 [单选题] [单选题]可以进行特殊货源供应的常规客户,根据()的不同分为长期特殊群体和临时特殊群体。
A.时间长短 B.有效期限 C.供应期限 D.保质期 [单选题] 离子交换树脂失效后,可以用( )方法恢复交换能力。
A.反冲洗; B.再生; C.正洗; D.复苏。 [单项选择]女孩,8岁。近一年来活动后感心悸、气促,牛长发育尚可,无发绀,胸骨左缘第3至第4肋间可闻及第3至第4级收缩期杂音,传导广泛,有震颤。胸片示:肺血管影增粗,肺动脉段突出,左右心室大,左心房亦增大。可能的诊断是
A. 室间隔缺损 B. 房间隔缺损 C. 动脉导管未闭 D. 法洛四联症 E. 肺动脉狭窄 [简答题]串联电路中每个电阻的( )都相等。
A. 白蛋白 B. 尿酸 C. 尿素 D. 肌酐 E. K+ [单选题]严肃作业计划管控,健全计划管理组织体系和工作机制,严格执行作业风险公示要求,按照“无计划、不作业”和“全覆盖、()”原则。
A. 无遗漏 B.无死角 C.无遗留 D.无盲点 我来回答: 提交