Literature is a form of art that can be
enjoyed without formal instruction. However, people with (1)
knowledge of literature may miss a lot (2) reading a novel,
short story, poem, play, or (3) . These readers are
comparable to the (4) at a football game who watch the game
and (5) it without really understanding the complex
movements (6) on the field. Although they may enjoy the
(7) , many spectators watch only the ball (8)
, missing entirely the contribution of other members (9)
tile total play as well as the intricacies occurring within the
(10) . A person who understands football- (11)
better yet, has played the game -is more capable (12)
judging when a team is playing well or (13) and
is also likely to enjoy a "good" game more. A. abundant B. informal C. necessary D. limited [单选题]低压客户工程施工结束以后,由()组织验收。
A.客户 D.供电所 [单选题]南京国民政府代表的是( )的利益。
A.资产阶级 B.封建阶级 C.地主阶级 D.大地主大资产阶级 [单项选择]慢性腹泻是指腹泻时间超过
A. 5个月 B. 4个月 C. 1个月 D. 2个月 E. 3个月 [填空题]三台HXD2机车分布式重联牵引20000吨在()‰下坡时,列车的制动需要施加空气制动。
[判断题]( )拆除有支撑架的大模板时,应先拆除模板与混凝土结构之间的穿墙螺栓及其他连接件,松动地脚螺栓,使模板后倾与墙体脱离开。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]沈阳地铁一号线一期及延伸线十三号街地铁大厦四楼东侧动照配电间动力柜的直接上级电源是( )
A.地铁大厦4楼SCADA电源室动力柜 B.地铁大厦跟随所400V抽屉 C.综合楼牵混所400V抽屉 D.地铁大厦4楼SCADA电源室配电柜 [单选题]急性白血病引起的贫血最主要的原因是/L ( )
A.红细胞寿命缩短 B.造血原料不足 C.骨髓造血功能衰竭 D.正常红细胞生成受抑制 [单项选择]存储1024个24×24点阵的汉字字形码需要的字节数是( )。
A. 720B B. 72KB C. 7000B D. 7200B 我来回答: 提交