For all their great diversity of shapes
and sizes, glaciers can be divided into two essential types: valley glaciers,
which flow downhill from mountains and are shaped by the constraints of
topography (地貌), and ice sheets, which flow outward in all directions from
dome--like centers of accumulated ice to cover vast expanse of terrain. Whatever
their type, most glaciers are remnants of great shrouds of ice that covered the
earth years ago. In a few of these glaciers the oldest ice is very ancient
indeed; the age of parts of the Antarctic sheet may exceed 500,000
years. Glaciers are born in rocky womb above the snow line, where there is sufficient winter snowfall and summer cold for snow to survive the annual melting. The long gestation period of a glacier begins with the accumulation and gradual transformation of snow flakes. Soon after they reach t A. the creation of glaciers B. the classification of glaciers C. the features of glaciers D. what glaciers are [单项选择]教育活动评价应以()为主,同时发挥教师群体的智慧和合作精神,共同研究、共同提高。
A. 自评 B. 同伴评价 C. 管理人员的评价 [单项选择]What’s wrong with Li Ping
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]安全风险系指:( )不安全因素。
A. 略大于 B. 略小于 C. 小于 D. 等于或略小于 [名词解释]组合边界曲线
A. 知识的选择与整合 B. 其他公司知识的共享 C. 平衡员工间知识水平的构成 D. 平衡知识的供与求 [单项选择]用化学试剂检测宝石时()。
A. 只能在原石或弧面型宝石和雕件的底面上进行 B. 需擦拭宝石不显眼部位 C. 观察后应立即用湿布擦干净 D. A、B、C都是 我来回答: 提交