Musicals, which developed out of the
British comedy at the end of the 19th century, are stage productions that use
popular-style songs and dialogs. They put together music and play, as well as
song and dance. In Europe, the US and Japan, the musical is a popular form of performing art. Musicals generally attract more people than do plays or classical music concerts. However, most Chinese people are still not familiar with this form of art. In 1987, the American musical The Music Man, a heart-warming story about a traveling sales- man who tries to trick a small town into buying his musical instruments, was introduced in China. In 1990, Sunrise was put on stage in Shanghai. It is considered the first Chinese musical in China’s history. But neither of these achieved as great a success as had been expected. This makes it clear t A. They are not taken as a form of art. B. They are highly enjoyed and welcomed. C. They are used to teach performing art. D. They are not as popular as concerts. [单选题]世界上最大的瀑布之一奥赫拉比斯瀑布位于南非哪个城市:( )
A.好望角 B.开普敦 C.德班 [单选题]㥹.心室肌细胞动作电位与骨骼肌细胞动作电位的主要区别是
A.A.形成去极相的离子流不同 B.B.静息电位水平不同 C.C.形成复极相离子流不同 D.D.超射值不同 E.E.阈电位不同 [单选题]工作任务单一式两份,由工作票签发人或工作负责人签发,一份由( )留存,一份交小组负责人。
A.工作许可人 B.工作负责人 C.工作票签发人 D.专责监护人 [单项选择]Anatomy
1. The term anatomy comes from Greek anatomy, "dissection". It is a branch of natural science dealing with the structural organization of living things. The proper understanding of structure, however, implies a knowledge of function in the living organism. Anatomy is therefore almost inseparable from physiology, which is sometimes called functional anatomy.
2. It is convenient to subdivide the study of anatomy in several different ways. One classification is based on the type of organisms studied, the major subdivisions being plant anatomy and animal anatomy. Animal anatomy is further subdivided into human anatomy and comparative anatomy, which seeks out similarities and differences among animal types. Anatomy can also be subdivided into biological processes, for example, developmental anatomy, the study of embryos, and pathological anatomy, the study of diseased organs.
3. The oldest known systematic study of anatomy is contained in an Egyptian papyrus dating from about
A. 关节融合术 B. 人工假体置换术 C. 肿瘤灭活再植术 D. 带血管自体骨移植术 E. 骨延长术 [多选题] 结构施工图采用“平法”表示时,在平面位置上表示各构件尺寸和配筋的方式有( )。
A.平面注写方式 B.列表注写方式 C.断面注写方式 D.节点注写方式 E.特殊注写方式 [单项选择]被称为“民族之战”的战役是( )。
A. 色当战役 B. 瓦尔米战役 C. 莱比锡战役 D. 基贝隆战役 [单选题]钾、钠、镁、钛、锆、锂、铝镁合金等燃烧的火灾
A. A类火灾 B. B类火灾 C. C类火灾 D. D类火灾 [简答题] 试述新罐投用时,收油过程中的检查内容?
A. 自愿意外伤害保险和强制意外伤害保险 B. 普通意外伤害保险和特定意外伤害保险 C. 一年期意外伤害保险和多年期意外伤害保险 D. 单纯意外伤害保险和附加意外伤害保险 [单项选择]建设工程项目健康安全与环境问题需要在项目的以下阶段考虑( )。
A. 立项、工程可行性研究、设计、施工、验收、投产、使用和维护 B. 决策、论证、报批、实施、检查、评比等 C. 开发、交易、咨询、招投标、报价、合同谈判 D. 施工组织设计、四通一平、施工准备、工程施工、现场管理、完工清理施工现场场地 [单项选择]在面向对象的数据模型中,每一个对象都有一个唯一的标识,称为
A. 属性 B. 封装 C. 对象标识 D. 继承 [判断题]《国务院安委会办公室关于实施遏制重特大事故工作指南构建双重预防机制的意见》要求,对于排查发现的重大事故隐患,应当在向负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门报告的同时,制定并实施严格的隐患治理方案,做到责任、措施、资金、时限和预案五落实,实现隐患排查治理的闭环管理。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]计算机病毒是可以造成计算机故障的一种()。
A. 计算机芯片 B. 计算机程序 C. 计算机设备 D. 计算机部件 [单选题]柴油发动机在该缸断火后,响声减弱或消失,是( )。
A.活塞敲缸声 B.活塞销响 C.连杆轴承敲击声 D.曲轴轴承敲击声 [多选题]弧焊变压器有_____两大类。
A.串联电抗器式 B.并联电抗器式 C.增强漏磁式 D.减少漏磁式 [单选题]在中国传统伦理道德思想中,什么是儒家道德思想的核心,是最高的道德。
A.礼 B.仁 C.信 D.德 我来回答: 提交