The struggle against malnutrition and
hunger is as old as man himself, and never across the face of our planet has
outcome been more in doubt. Malnutrition caused much suffering to an estimated
400 million to 1.5 billion of the world’s poor. Even in the wealthy US poverty
means undernourishment for an estimated ten to twenty million. Hardest hit are
children, whose growing bodies demand two and a half times more protein, pound
for pound, than those of adults. Nutrition experts estimate that 70 percent of
the children in low-income countries are affected. Badly shaped bodies tell the tragic story of malnutrition. Medical science identifies two major types of malnutrition which usually occur in combination. The first, kwashiorkor (恶性营养不良), is typified by the bloated look. The opposite of what we associate with starvation. A A. look like old men and lose their appetite B. have extremely thin arms and legs, but big bellies, and they will easily get angry at small things, and they may suffer from brain damage C. have extremely thin arms and legs, but big bellies D. have long, thin faces like old men, and feel hungry all the time [判断题]金融许可证等相关证照,要由专人保管,按照一般凭证管理、交接。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]口渴会促使个体做出觅水的活动,这是动机的( )。
A. 导向功能 B. 激活功能 C. 调节与维持的功能 D. 强化功能 [单选题]铁路局根据管内铁路货车检修反馈的铁路货车配件故障信息,每半年对铁路货车配件造修企业的造修质量进行一次评价,评价指标为( )
A.配件故障发生率 B.货车故障发生率 C.配件故障发生总数 D.货车故障发生总数 [判断题]充装后的气瓶应逐只检查,发现有泄漏或其他异常情况,应妥善处理。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列情形中,人民法院应当判决驳回原告诉讼请求的是( )。
A. 被诉具体行政行为依法不成立的 B. 被诉具体行政行为违法,但不具有可撤销内容的 C. 法律、法规规定行政复议为提起诉讼必经程序而未申请复议的 D. 被诉具体行政行为合法但存在合理性问题的 [单选题]当经济发展到一定阶段以后,产业布局政策的侧重点就会转变为强调地区经济发展的( )。
A.均等性 B.效率性 C.先进性 D.均衡性 [多选题] 在生产安全事故调查处理中,坚持的四不放过原则是指( )。
A. 事故原因没有查清不放过 B. 责任人员没有受到处理不放过 C. 职工群众没有受到教育不放过 D. 防范措施没有落实不放过 E. 事故单位未受到处理不放过 [单项选择]一级掘进安全质量标准化矿井是:总分在()分以上,优良率60%及以上,无不合格工程。
A. 80 B. 85 C. 90 [单选题]《客规》中,随同成人旅行身高( )的儿童,享受半价客票、加快票和空调票。
A.1.1-1.5米 B.1.2-1.5米 C.1.1-1.4米 D.1.2-1.4米 [多选题]下列( )情况不发售学生票。
A.学生往返于学校与实习地点时 B.学生证未按时办理学校注册的 C.学生证优惠乘车区间更改但未加盖学校公章的 D.没有“学生火车票优惠卡”的 [单选题] "( )并不是营销的最后一步,而是从产品概念开始就一直贯穿到营销活动的始终,需要整个价值链中每一个环节环环相扣。
A. 价值传递 B. 终端促销 C. 渠道规划 D. 商品零售 [单选题]根据《建筑材料及制品燃烧性能分级》GB8624-2102,建筑材料及制品性能等级标识GB8624B1(B-S1,d0,t1)中,t1表示()等级
A.烟气毒性 B.燃烧滴落物/颗粒 C.产烟特性 D.燃烧持续时间 [单选题]封闭式分级基金有一定存续期限,目前多为( )。
A.1年期或2年期 B.3年期或5年期 C.5年期以下 D.10年期以下 [单项选择]“导生制”的管理模式最早出现存l9世纪初的()。
A. 德国 B. 法国 C. 英国 D. 美国 [单选题]WD-320动力稳定车的心盘距为( )。[333020202]
A.11000mm B.12000mm C.13000mm D.14000mm [填空题]Very few people can get college degree before 11, but Michael was an exception. He started high school when he was 5, finishing in just nine months. He became the{{U}} (36) {{/U}}youngest college graduate when he was 10 years and 4 months old, earning an{{U}} (37) {{/U}}degree. Now at 11 Michael’s working on a master’s degree in{{U}} (38) {{/U}}intelligence. But Michael’s{{U}} (39) {{/U}}hasn’t always come easy.{{U}} (40) {{/U}}his intelligence, he still lacks important life{{U}} (41) {{/U}}.
In one class, he had to struggle to understand{{U}} (42) {{/U}}novels, because, he says, "I’m 11. I’ve never been in love before.’ Another{{U}} (43) {{/U}}was his size.{{U}} (44) {{/U}}.He likes computers so much{{U}} (45) {{/U}}.He wants to make robots do all the Heavy tasks.{{U}} (46) {{/U}}.
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]施行常用制动时,单阀缓解量,每次不得超过( ) kPa(CCBII、法维莱型制动机除外)。
A.30 B.40 C.50 [单选题]下列说法中,正确的是____。
A.用高级程序语言编写的程序可移植性和可读性都很差 B.只要将高级程序语言编写的源程序文件(如try.c)的扩展名更改为.exe,则它就称为可执行文件了 C.高档计算机可以直接执行用高级程序语言编写的程序 D.高级语言源程序只有经过编译和链接后才能成为可执行程序 我来回答: 提交