In January 2002, during the first weeks of a
six-month stay at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia for leukemia (白血病)
treatment, Michael wandered over to his hospital window in search of relaxation.
The{{U}} (36) {{/U}}first-grader watched a construction crew{{U}}
(37) {{/U}}on a 10-story addition to the hospital.{{U}} (38)
{{/U}}Michael’s third-floor window, Ritchie, an iron-worker from the East
Falls section of Philadelphia,{{U}} (39) {{/U}},and saw "this kid with
no hair{{U}} (40) {{/U}}face was pressed up to the window. I waved, and
he smiled and{{U}} (41) {{/U}}. I’ll never forget that," says Ritchie, a
father of three. As winter{{U}} (42) {{/U}}spring, Michael watched, fascinated (着迷), as 3000 tons of steel{{U}} (43) {{/U}} formed the skeleton of the building, one d A. have B. get C. be D. appreciate [单项选择]使用MS-2401打字机,操作员用文件名ZA01将文件存盘,当重新编辑时却无法将该文件调出,显示磁盘目录,该文件存在,所占磁盘空间也表示该文件已经存盘,其原因可能是()。
A. 磁盘写保护口被打开 B. 磁盘损坏 C. 文件名中数字“0”与字母“O”用混 D. 文件丢失 [名词解释]波状层理
在配位反应中,对MY的副反应主要是共存离子效应。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )是应用气象的一门学科,是研究气象条件与农业生产相互关系的一门科学。
A.农业天气学 B.农业气候学 C.农业气象学 D.以上都不是 [多选题]扑救锂电池汽车火灾火势对现场人员造成威胁且无法实施断电操作时,应视情使用()或()对火势进行压制。
A.直流水 B.喷雾水 C.干粉灭火器 D.灭火毯 [多选题]可使用其他书面记录或按口头、电话命令执行的工作有()。
A.测量接地电阻 B.砍剪树木 C.涂写杆塔号、安装标志牌 D.低压分支线的停电工作 E./ F./ [多选题](多选题)《固定式压力容器安全技术监察规程》监察范围内的压力容器必须同时满足( )。
A.工作压力大于或等于0.1MPa B.容器直径大于150mm C.工作压力与容积的乘积大于或等于2.5MPa.L D.盛装介质为气体、液化气体以及介质最高温度高于或等于其标准沸点的液体 [单项选择]Before welding can be done in a tank that has carried petroleum products,a certificate must be obtained from().
A. the Customs B. the Register Bureau of Shipping C. the Shipyard Fire Department D. a certified gas chemist [判断题]因为企业接受捐赠的资产,所有权已经属于企业,所以应作为留存收益,供投资者分配。( )
[单选题] 电缆热缩材料绝缘管的长度一般为()mm。
A. 500 B. 600 C. 700 D. 800 [单选题]钻床钻孔时,车( )不准捏停钻夹头。
A.停稳 B.未停稳 C.变速时 D.变速前 [判断题]倒闸作业必须由两人进行,一人操作,一人监护。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]直流并励电动机的励磁绕组决不允许开路。
[多项选择]下列项目,应计入营业外支出的有 ( )。
A. 非常损失 B. 债务重组损失 C. 公益救济性捐赠支出 D. 超过规定限额的业务招待费 [单项选择]高血压病患者提示出现早期左心功能不全的体征是()
A. 心尖部3/6级收缩期吹风样杂音 B. 右心室扩大 C. 心尖部舒张期奔马律 D. 室性期前收缩 E. 胸腔积液 [单选题]当催化剂活性增加时,树脂的堆积密度( )。
A. 增大 B. 减小 C. 无影响 D.不确定 [填空题]动车组在高铁车站存放时,司机与随车机械师须到设在车站的车辆值班室或车站行车室(运转室)办理( )手续,具体由铁路局规定。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]室政消火栓距路边不应超过( ),(中)
A.2.5m B.2m C.3m D.3.5m [判断题]回收站与剪贴板一样,是内存中的一块区域。( )
[判断题]无缝线路轨温在实际锁定轨温减30℃以下时,可以进行扣件涂油和流水作业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]2.5对登记后上道路行驶的机动车,应当依照法律.行政法规的规定,根据车辆品牌.载客载货数量.使用年限等不同情况,定期进行安全技术检验。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] Vice Vaccines
At first glance, vice vaccines look just great. These injections promise to inactivate drugs such as cocaine, heroin and nicotine in the bloodstream before they reach the brain. Without the "hit", people just won’’t come back for more.
It’’s true that these vaccines are still being developed, so their full risks and benefits are not yet clear. But all the signs are that for people who are in danger of overdosing, or for addicts who want to get themselves clean but need some help to overcome their craving, the vaccines will be immensely valuable.
But like many new technologies, they also bring difficult choices. Will convicted criminals who steal to feed their drug habit be allowed back onto the street if they agree to be vaccinated, for example Could a judge even compel these people to be vaccinated
Perhaps the most controversial debate that vice vaccines have raised is whether they should be given routinely to childre
A. the vaccine cannot act against nicotine B. stevedores will not like it C. one vaccine can act against only a specific drug D. it will spark a revolution in the detox clinics [单项选择]
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