Jazz is a kind of music that has often
been called the only art form to originate in the United States. The history of
(31) began in the late 1800’s. The music grew from a
(32) of influences, including black American music, African
rhythms, American band traditions and instruments, and European harmonies and
forms. Much of the best jazz is still written and (33) in
the United States. But musicians from many other countries are (34)
major contributions to jazz. Jazz was actually (35)
appreciated as an important art form in Europe (36)
it gained such recognition in the United States. The earliest jazz was performed by black Americans who had little or no training in Western music. These musicians drew on a strong musical culture from (37) life. As jazz grew (38) popularity, its sou A. similar B. different C. classified D. Western [单选题]发热患者不会出现的是
A. C反应蛋白增多 B.乳酸堆积 C.脂肪分解代谢增强 D.蛋白质分解代谢增强 E.基础代谢率降低 [单选题]下列哪种抗酸药作用强、易吸收、且产气
A.氢氧化镁 B.氢氧化铝 C.碳酸氢钠 D.三硅酸镁 [填空题]根据牙合架模拟下颌运动的程度分为_______________、________________、_________________________和______________________。
有抗渗要求的混凝土不宜使用下列哪种水泥?() A. 普通水泥 B. 火山灰水泥 C. 矿渣水泥 D. 粉煤灰水泥 [判断题]对推力轴承施行拆卸前和装配后,都不需要测量其推力间隙。
[判断题]多个单位综合利用天窗在同一区间作业时,必须提前确定施工主体单位、明确施工负责人,并制定确保行车和人身安全的措施。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列不属于应急预案的编制内容的是( )。
A.火灾预想 B.消防档案 C.绘制灭火和应急疏散计划图 D.应急组织机构 [单选题]为实行对货币流通的分别管理、重点控制,货币当局将全部货币分解开来,划分成不同层次。划分货币层次的基本标准是()。
A.统计工作的可行性 B.货币资金的安全性 C.货币的流动性 D.金融资产的可控性 [多选题]线路工作许可人包括:
A.值班调度员 B.厂站值班员 C.配电(监控中心)值班员 D.线路运行单位指定的许可人 [单选题]可保持骨骼,牙齿健康的是哪种食物 ( )
A.牛奶 B.蔬菜 C.水果 D.油脂 [多选题]. 以下属于气体灭火系统主要用于保护的特定场合的是( )。
A.洁净厂房 B.实验室 C.机房 D.档案室 [单项选择]下列选项中,催化重整装置不可以采取紧急停车措施的是()。
A. 重整循环机联锁停运 B. 反应系统法兰氢气大量外泄 C. 精制油水含量偏高 D. 系统燃料气中断 [单项选择]
患者女性,62岁。较肥胖,拟行胆囊切除术。术前血压为130/80mmHg,脉搏98次/分。术前用药为吗啡10mg,阿托品0.5mg。入手术室时病人主诉右上腹疼痛。用丁卡因15mg和葡萄糖150mg行腰麻,阻滞平面上升至T2,血压下降至88/60mmHg,脉搏降至50次/分。 心动过缓的原因可能是()A. 低氧血症 B. 心肌直接抑制 C. 高碳酸血症 D. 心脏交感神经阻滞 E. 病人体位的影响 [单选题] 营门警卫人员对出入单位大门的队伍和上级应当敬礼,带队指挥员和上级( )还礼.
A.可以不 B.应当 C.要 D. 必须 [单项选择]To us it seems so natural to put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains. But actually the umbrella was not invented as protection against rain. (77)Its first use was as a shade against the sun.
Nobody knows who first invented it, but the umbrella was used in very ancient times. Probably the first to use it were the Chinese, in the eleventh century B.C. We know that the umbrella was used in ancient Egypt and Babylon as a sunshade. And there was a strange thing connected with its use: it became a symbol of honor and authority. In the Far East in ancient times, the umbrella was allowed to be used only by royalty or by those in high office. In Europe, the Greeks were the first to use the umbrella as a sunshade. And the umbrella was in common use in ancient Greece. But it is believed that the first persons in Europe to use the umbrella as protection against the rain were the ancient Romans. During the Middle Ages, the use of the umbrella practi A. in Europe in the eighteenth century B. in ancient Egypt and Babylon C. in the Far East in ancient times D. during the Middle Ages [单选题]在站内其他线路作业,躲避本线列车时,下道距离不少于( )m。(《安规》第3.2.3条) (1分)
A.500 B.1400 C.800 D.2000 [单选题]以下哪项不是输血所致的过敏反应
A.A:发热 B.B:面色潮红,皮肤痒 C.C:荨麻疹,血管神经性水肿 D.D:支气管痉挛 E.E:过敏性休克 [单项选择]以下哪个程序是与质量管理体系有关的?()
A. 《环境因素识别与评价管理程序》 B. 《环境运行控制管理程序》 C. 《应急准备和响应管理程序》 D. 《数据分析管理程序》 [单选题]铁路运输具有()的特点,各工作环节须紧密联系、协同配合。
A.集中领导 B.统一指挥 C.高度集中 D.分级管理 我来回答: 提交