Text 4 The meanings of "science" and "technology" have changed significantly from one generation to another. More similarities than differences, however, can be found between the terms. Both science and technology imply a thinking process, both are concerned with causal relationships in the material world, and both employ an experimental methodology that results in empirical demonstrations that can be verified by repetition. Science, at least in theory, is less concerned with the practicality of its results and more concerned with the development of general laws, but in practice science and technology are inextricably involved with each other. The varying interplay of the two can be observed in the historical development of such practitioners as chemists, engineers, physicists9 astronomers, carpenters, potters, and many other specialists. Differing educational requirements, social status, vocabulary, methodology, and types of rewards, as well as institu
A. refute the belief that industrial progress feeds off scientific ideas
B. illustrate the remarkable achievements of industrial civilization
C. indicate that many great inventions originate from the laboratory
D. laws come out much earlier than related functions
Every summer, Jean Piaget retreats to his cabin in the Alps, where he spends most of his days analyzing the mass of research data generated over the past year at his Center for Genetic Epistemology. During long walks along the mountain trails, he mulls over the latest experimental results, and in the cool mountain evenings, he formulates his conclusions. With the approach of fall, he will descend from the mountain, manuscript for a book and several journal articles in hand. This time-honored procedure of careful observation followed by seclusion for thought and synthesis, has enabled him to become the most prolific, if not the most famous psychologist of the century. Piaget has only been widely known in this country since the 1960s, when his works were translated from their original French. But he has been recognized as an expert in the field of c A. several articles on his observation of sparrows. B. a few books and articles on the data he had collected. C. a variety of books and articles on his experiments. D. a great many books and articles on his observations and research. [多选题]在借贷记账法中,贷方是用来记录( )的增加。
A.资产 B.负债 C.所有者权益 D.收入 [单项选择]慢性肾衰时透析不能改善的症状是().
A. 皮肤瘙痒 B. 食欲不振、恶心、呕吐 C. 皮肤瘀斑 D. 心律失常 E. 呼吸深而长 [单项选择]( )是被发包人接受的承包人的投标报价。
A. 合同工期 B. 合同标的 C. 合同价款 D. 追加合同价款 [单选题]爆炸下限小于 10%的气体属( )类气体。
A.甲 B.乙 C.丙 D.丁 [多选题]我国把对外开放作为基本国策,最重要的依据是邓小平关于()的重要观点。
A.计划经济不等于社会主义,市场经济不等于资本主义 B.现在的世界是开放的世界 C.中国的发展离不开世界 D.物质贫乏不是社会主义 [单选题]348、变压器内部主要绝缘材料有变压器油、( )、电缆纸、皱纹纸等。
A.套管 B.冷却器 C.绝缘纸板 [单项选择]Ⅱ类洞型咬合面鸠尾形设计根据
A. 邻面龋的类型 B. 邻面洞的位置 C. 邻面龋的深浅 D. 邻面龋的牙位 E. 邻面缺损的大小 [判断题]从教学评价的功能来看,有配置性评价和诊断性评价之分。
A.深化二次系统隐患治理,完成电网“三道防线”核查和继电保护“排雷”两年整改 B.开展“稳控系统管理提升年”活动,推进六大区域电网系统保护建设,提高重大故障防御能力 C.推动频率电压控制装置老旧设备改造,优化减载策略布局 D.落实中央巡视整改要求,深化电力安全防御专项整治,解决特高压核心部件、电力芯片等关键技术“卡脖子”问题。 [判断题]安全阀投用时必须将安全阀泄压管线投用。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]以下属于地理细分变量的有()。
A. 地形 B. 气候 C. 居民收入水平 D. 交通运输条件 E. 城乡 F. 地区文化 [单项选择]《中华人民共和国电信条例》适用的对象范围包括()。
A. 电信建设活动 B. 从事电信活动 C. 从事电信活动或者从事与电信有关的活动 D. 从事与电信有关的活动 [判断题]在测量电流和电压时,不得带电转动转换开关。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]适用0.4元~8元每平方米城镇土地使用税税率的地区是()
A. 大城市 B. 中等城市 C. 小城市 D. 县城 [判断题]301.[判断] 动车组列车运行中,司机发现或得到基础制动装置故障致使车轮抱死不缓解的报告时,应立即停车,并立即通知随车机械师下车检查处理。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交