In a way, all of us are on a spaceship, the planet Earth. We move around the sun (36) 18 miles per second and never stop. On our spaceship we have five billion people and a limited supply of air, water, and land. The (37) have to be used carefully because we can’t buy new air, water, or land from (38) else.
The environment on our planet is a closed system: nothing new is ever added. Nature (39) its resources. Water, for example, evaporates and (40) as visible drops to form clouds. This same water returns to the Earth as rain or snow. The rain that falls today is actually the same water fell on the (41) 70 million years ago.
Today, the Earth is in trouble. Factories (42) dirty water into our rivers. Many fish die and the water becomes unhealthy for people to drink. Cars and factories put poisons (43) the air and cause plants, animals and people to get sick. People throw bottles and paper out of their car
A. work
B. struggle
C. survive
D. exist
A college library is an inexhaustible and
ever changing storehouse of information. New books, periodicals, and other
{{U}} (67) {{/U}} of information are constantly being {{U}} (68)
{{/U}} to the collection. An academic library {{U}} (69) {{/U}}
from the knowledge of many people {{U}} (70) {{/U}} the college campus,
since faculty members from all disciplines keep up with the {{U}} (71)
{{/U}} books, magazines, journals, and other information sources
{{U}} (72) {{/U}} they can A. whom B. that C. whose D. who [简答题]为什么说消毒剂中含次氯酸越多,其杀菌作用越强?
[单选题]*AD02下列OTDR不可以测量的是( )。
A.光缆重量 B.光纤损耗 C.光纤距离 D.光纤断点位置 [单选题]下列哪一项表示良性肿瘤的一般特征( )
A.生长速度慢 B.不转移 C.膨胀性生长 D.异型性小 E.手术不易切除干净 [填空题]《事业单位人事管理条例》规定国家对事业单位工作人员实行()管理。
[单选题]1.26 已注册登记的机动车有( )___,机动车所有人应当向登记地车辆管理所申请变更登记。
A.小型、微型载客汽车加装前后防撞装置 B.货运机动车加装防风罩、水箱、工具箱、备胎架等 C.因质量问题更换整车的 D.增加机动车车内装饰 [单项选择]男性,20岁。2个月来中上腹疼痛,痛向背部放射,伴反酸与夜间痛,以往亦有类似的发作,曾先后有3次黑粪。最合适的治疗为()
A. 奥美拉唑(洛赛克) B. 氢氧化铝凝胶 C. 阿托品 D. 紧急手术治疗 E. 硫糖铝 [单项选择]胃癌淋巴结转移的常见部位是
A. 右锁骨上 B. 左锁骨上 C. 右颈部 D. 左颈部 E. 左颌下 [单项选择]当细菌入侵艾滋病患者后下列哪项病理变化是错误的
A. 全身淋巴结可肿大 B. 炎症反应强烈 C. 炎症反应低下 D. 病原体不易被消灭 E. 胸腺退变及萎缩 [单项选择]骨纤维异常增殖症发生恶变,最常见恶变为下述哪一种肿瘤()
A. 骨纤维肉瘤 B. 软骨肉瘤 C. 巨细胞瘤 D. 成骨肉瘤 E. 骨血管肉瘤 [单项选择]
男性,55岁,反复不规律上腹部胀痛3年,胃镜诊断为萎缩性胃炎。 该患者如考虑为A型胃炎,正确的是()A. 壁细胞抗体阴性 B. 胃酸升高 C. 不出现厌食,体重下降 D. 不出现恶性贫血 E. 主要位于胃体部 [单项选择]下列选项中,不属于动物性饲料的是()
A. 鱼粉 B. 玉米粉 C. 血粉 D. 羽毛粉 [填空题]“安全红线”、“刚性约束”是集团公司强化安全关键环节卡控,确保铁路运输安全的基本要求,是安全生产中不可触碰的( ),不可逾越的行为界限。
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