A class action lawsuit has been filed
against a prominent Toronto doctor by patients who allege he injected a banned
substance into their faces for cosmetic purposes. The doctor had already been
investigated for more than three years for using the liquid silicone, a product
not authorized for use in Canada. Some patients say they are now suffering health problems and think the liquid silicone may be to blame. One of those patients is Anna Barbiero. She says her Toronto dermatologist told her he was using liquid silicone to smooth out wrinkles. What she says he didn’t tell her is that it isn’t approved for use in Canada. "I didn’t know what liquid silicone was and he just called it ’liquid gold’," Barbiero remembers. After her last treatment, Anna discovered Dr. Sheldon Pollack had been ordered to stop using the silicone A. Barbiero took the treatment after being told the risk. B. Dr. Sheldon Pollack started his work with the patients’ agreement to accept the potential risk. C. A famous doctor should be authorized to use something he thinks okay on patients. D. Barbiero is suffering a lot. [单项选择]分配柱色谱的分离原理()。
A. 吸附与解吸附原理 B. 萃取原理 C. 离子交换原理 D. 分子排阻原理 E. 毛细管电泳原理 [判断题]施工船舶未安装船舶定位设备时,作业人员必须配置手机,以保证有效的船岸联系。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]梅某(2011年曾因吸毒被强制隔离戒毒6个月)于2013年3月6日在家中吸食海洛因被公安机关查获。梅某交代,在2010年8月5日曾与卖淫女卢某嫖宿,付给卢某人民币150元,并检举个体旅社老板谢某曾引诱、容留过一个13岁的少女李某卖淫。经调查,情况属实。公安机关对上述涉案人员的处理正确的有(
)。 A.梅某、卢某之间的卖淫嫖娼行为已过追究时效,不应当予以治安处罚 B.对谢某应当以涉嫌引诱幼女卖淫罪追究刑事责任 C.李某未满14周岁,对其予以治安处罚,但不执行 D.鉴于梅某有立功表现,对其减轻或不予处罚 [单项选择]以下关于岗位培训计划的说法错误的是()。
A. 划分公司层次、部门层次和工作层次的主题 B. 规划岗前培训中的技术类和社会类内容 C. 岗前培训计划中的全部内容都是固定不变的 D. 培训计划的构成,由文字和表格两部分组成 [多选题]专责监护人及作业人员应接受作业负责人在作业前的()等内容,并履行()手续。
A.A.安全交底 B.B.危险点告知 C.C.安全培训 D.D.签字确认 [多项选择]鼓励残疾人运用其优势进行行动的具体的工作方法是()。
A. 辅导 B. 成长小组 C. 支持 D. 保护 E. 服务小组 [判断题]人民铁路职业道德具有调节、教育、激励和促进的作用。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]预制软横跨直吊弦时,其计算长度等于吊弦两端回头点间的长度。
[单选题]商业银行公司章程规定的全体股东或发起人认缴的出资额或认购的股本总额称为( )。
A.自有资本 B.自由资金 C.法定资金 D.法定资本 [多选题]在( )采掘时,必须留设防水煤(岩)柱。
A. 水体下 B. 含水层下 C. 承压含水层上 D. 导水断层附近 我来回答: 提交