The single most shattering statistic
about life in America in the late 1990s was that tobacco killed more
people than the combined total of those who died from AIDS, car accidents,
alcohol, murder, suicide, illegal drugs and fire. The deaths of more than 400,
000 Americans each year, 160, 000 of them from lung cancer, make a strong case
for the prohibition of tobacco, and particularly of cigarettes. The case, backed
by solid evidence, has been made in every public arena since the early 1950s,
when the first convincing link between smoking and cancer was established in
clinical and epidemiological studies—yet 50 million Americans still go on
smoking. tobacco-related illness. It is a remarkable story, clearly told,
astonishingly well documented and with a transparent moral motif. Most smokers in Americ A. circumventing supervision. B. actualizing public relations. C. playing on words. D. lobbying a bill. [单选题]机车车辆从一股道转入或越过另一股道的线路设备,称之为( )。
A.转换轨 B.道岔 C.转辙器 D.渡线 [单项选择]在经济结构的调整上,落脚点应该放在()。
A. 民生 B. 货币 C. 政策 D. 市场 [单项选择]下列有关现代科技的说法中,正确的是( )。
A. 高温超导体是指其超导临界温度在摄氏零度以上 B. 纳米材料是指结构单元的尺度达到纳米级而原有性能保持不变的材料 C. 杂交水稻是通过基因重组改变水稻的基因来提高产量的 D. 转基因食品是指转移动物的基因并加以改变、制造出具备新特征的食品 [简答题]DB02 简述YB95型条盒透明纸包装机裹包成形及热封系统工作过程。
A. 屈服极限 B. 强度极限 C. 塑性极限 [单选题]防火检查应填写《防火检查记录表》并由各中心、部门留存( )年以上。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单项选择]生物反应基本特性之一就是吸热和散热。热生物传感器就是利用了生物反应这一特性发展而来的。热生物传感器反应时,产生的热量通过换能器转换为()
A. 电信号 B. 光信号 C. 温度变化信号 D. 声信号 E. 频率变化信号 [不定项选择题]共用题干
False Fear of Big Fish
Many people believe sharks(鳖鱼)are dangerous and will always try to hurt or even kill humane. _________(46)A shark exhibition at the National Aquarium(水族馆)in Baltimore,Us,proves this. Visi- 'tors can touch young sharks, see their eggs develop and watch a dozen different species swim smoothly around a huge tank. Most people fail to realize that shark attacks don't happen very often.Humans are more likely to be killed by lightning than by a shark._____________(47)There,kids can learn,from an early age,not to fear sharks. "People fear what they don't know,"said Nancy Hotchkiss,an organizer of the exhibition."Sharks have been around for 400 million years and they play an important role in the ocean's food chain.We want people to discover that sharks are amazing animals that need our respect and protection. ___________(48)A study,published in January in the US magazine,Science;found that almost all recor- ded shark species have fallen b夕half in the past S to 15 years.Thousands of sharks are hunted in Asia for special foods, such as shark fin(鱼翅)soup. And many others get caught in nets , while fishermen are huntina other fish. __________(49)"Some fishing methods are actually cleaning out the ocean for sharks,',said Dave Schofield,the manager of the aquarium's ocean health programme._______________(50) _________(49) A.They can watch them develop inside their eggs and feel the skin of the older swimmers. B.A shocking 100 million shark, are killed every year around the world by humans. C.In fact,94 percent of the world's 400 species are harmless to humans. D.It is a worrying situation and some areas have put mca、urco in place to protect these special fish. E.And to make this point clear,the mu。cum has set up a special touching pool for children. F.More than half of the sharks caught are smaller than I metre long. [判断题]网络报文记录及分析装置光模块常见接口类型有LC、ST、FC、SC等。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]严重气侵可以引起井底压力降低,当气体( )时井底压力减少最大。
A.在井底; B.接近井口; C.到井深一半; D.到套鞋。 [判断题]实行监理的建设工程,建设单位应当委托具有相应资质等级的工程监理单位进行监理,不能委托具有工程监理相应资质等级并与被监理工程的施工承包单位没有隶属关系或者其他利害关系的该工程的设计单位进行监理。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]曲线外轨、调车场以外的线路和外闸瓦车、直径( )mm及以上的大轮车,严禁使用铁鞋制动。
A.750 B.850 C.950 D.1050 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSSG510001-2015)第14.4.14条规定:在10kV带电设备附近进行立撤杆时,杆塔、拉线、临时拉线与带电设备的安全距离应不少于()米,且有防止立、撤杆过程中拉线跳动和杆塔倾斜接近带电导线的措施。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [多项选择]A企业为有限合伙企业,经营期限为3年。A企业将全部资金用于对非关联方B公司的全资子公司C公司增资,增资完成后,A企业持有C公司60%有表决权的股份,B公司持有C公司40%有表决权的股份。根据协议规定,B公司将在3年后以固定价格回购A企业持有的C公司股份。C公司是专门建造某大型资产并用于租赁的项目公司,该大型资产建造期为5年,A企业增资时,该资产已经建造了2年。下列说法中正确的有()。
A. A企业并不能主导C公司的相关活动 B. A企业无法通过参与C公司的相关活动取得可变回报 C. A企业拥有半数以上的表决权,但不能控制被投资方C公司 D. A企业拥有半数以上的表决权,能控制被投资方C公司 [多项选择]急性胰腺炎时,胰腺组织的损伤过程中产生一系列炎性介质,包括()。
A. 氧自由基 B. 血小板活化因子 C. 前列腺素 D. 白细胞三烯 E. 血栓素 [判断题]车站对按军运后付办理的客货运输运费、押运人乘车费、各项杂费均按后付办理。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]《爱我中华》是由()作词,()作曲。
A. 乔羽、刘治 B. 乔羽、徐沛东 C. 张和平、冯晓泉 D. 周振天、王付林 [填空题]JD-1A计算机联锁系统上位机倒机电路面板BJJ指示灯亮,表明B上位机( ),B上位机驱动的监督继电器吸起。
[单选题]按照现行规定,投资项目兑现额不得超过所交风险抵押金总数的( )倍。
A.5 B.6 C.7 D.8 [判断题]放射性甲状腺炎发生在摄碘后的10—15天
A. 90 B. 60 C. 30 D. 15 [单选题]《党政领导干部选拔任用工作条例》规定,提任县处级以上领导职务,由副职提任正职的,应当在副职岗位工作( )以上。( )
A.一年 B.两年 C.三年 D.四年 我来回答: 提交