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200 301 16 [判断题]中国人民武装警察部队支队级单位营房助理员主要承办部队住房改革领导小组办公室工作,拟制、修订部队房改方案,并组织实施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]社会主义核心价值观具有( )。
A.真实性 B. 真理性 C.集体性 D.实践性 [单项选择]周信芳在表演《四进士》中的宋世杰时更加突出了宋世杰的什么性格()
A. 机智 B. 老辣 C. 圆通 D. 狡诈 [配伍题]动脉导管未闭|
A. Graham-Steel杂音 B. Austin-Flint杂音 C. 胸骨左缘3~4肋间收缩期喷射性杂音 D. 心尖区收缩中期喀喇音 E. 胸骨左缘第2肋间Gibson杂音 [单选题]. 硬盘从开始使用到第一次出现故障的最长时间(单位为h),是指硬盘性能指标中的
A.VOLUME B.MTBF C.NCQ D.ROTATIONAL SPEED [填空题]Children believe parents, and they seldom _______________ (怀疑父母说的话和做的事是错的 ).
[多选题]货币时间价值的主要参数有( )。
A.时间 B.利率 C.地点 D.终值 E.现值 [多选题]下列属于外来原始凭证的有( )。
A.本单位开具的销售发票 B.取得的供货单位开具的发票 C.职工出差取得的飞机票和火车票 D.银行收付款通知单 [单选题]行政责任行政责任是指违反有关行政管理的法律、法规的规定所依法应当承担的法律后果。行政责任包括()和行政处罚。
A.记过 B.记大过 C.政务处分 D.警告 [单选题]患者女性,40岁。车祸伤后1小时,伤后昏迷入院。查体:GCS7分,瞳孔左︰右=4mm︰2mm,左侧光反应消失,右侧肢体偏瘫。BP170/100mmHg,HR60次/分,R12次/分针对该病人,最适宜采取的治疗措施为
A.绝对卧床休息 B.对照CT观察 C.腰穿放液减压 D.大量应用激素 E.急症开颅手术 [判断题]计量用电流互感器现场检测时,标准电流互感器的变比应与被检电流互感器相同;准确度等级应比被检电流互感器高两个等级。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]机关、团体、企业、事业等单位的主要负责人是本单位的( )。
A.消防安全管理人 B.消防安全责任人 C.消防工作归口管理部门负责人 D.消防安全监督人 [单项选择]用以衡量地震发生时震源处释放出能量大小的标准称为震级。里氏震级共分( )等级。
A. 5个 B. 6个 C. 8个 D. 10个 [简答题] Two thousand five was a year with several important developments in the world of development. Among them were the decisions made in July at the Group of Eight meeting in Scotland. Leaders of the G-Eight nations agreed to increase development aid. They also agreed to cancel debts owed to international lenders by some of the world’’s poorest nations. Others could have their debts forgiven in the future.
Two thousand five was also a year for dealing with the effects of nature at its most unforgiving. In October, an earthquake killed more than eighty thousand in Pakistan and Pakistani-administered Kashmir. And December marked one year since the Indian Ocean tsunami that killed more than two hundred thousand people. In both cases, the world looked to the United Nations for help. The United Nations celebrated its sixtieth anniversary in two thousand five. Secretary General Kofi Annan presented a major reform plan in March. He proposed a bigger Security Council. But he called for a s
A. 20 B. 30 C. 40 D. 50 [单项选择]下列不属于急性腹膜炎腹痛特点的是()
A. 疼痛定位明确 B. 呈持续性锐痛 C. 腹痛常因加压而加剧 D. 有压痛、反跳痛、肌紧张 E. 肠鸣音亢进并伴有腹胀及便秘 [判断题] 省公司管理信息系统安全防护坚持“双网双机分区分域 安全接入动态感知全面防护” 的总体防护策略,执行信息安全等级保护制度。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交