Our present generation of cultural
critics, arriving after the assault of postmodernism and the increasingly
widespread commercialization of culture, has been cast adrift, without any firm
basis for judgments. Publications and institutions to support serious criticism,
in this view, either no longer exist or are few in number. Critics today, it is also claimed, are too cozy behind the ivied walls of academe, content to employ a prose style that is decipherable only to a handful of the cognoscenti. The deadly dive of Uniersity critics into the shallow depths of popular culture, moreover, reveals the unwillingness of these critics to uphold standards. Even if the reasons offered are contradictory, these Jeremiahs huddle around their sad conclusion that serious cultural criticism has fallen into a morass of petty bickering and bl A. we should return to the old days when the critics passed their judgments without challenges B. pluralism should be held back, reinforcing the unchallenged authority in the literary criticism C. democriatic criticism should not be adopted because it is rather messy as proved in the Amazon system D. we should encourage more democracy, dismiss nostalgia and cultivate an open attitude [多选题]68抽油机井动态控制图的区域包括合理区、()、参数偏小区。
A.(A)参数偏大区 B.(B)资料波动区 C.(C)断脱漏失区 D.(D)待落实区 [单选题]李某首套购买 130 ㎡的住宅,契税需要缴交( )?
A.1% B.2% C.1.5% D.3% [判断题]线桥设备间的联调联试主要是检验轮轨关系是否满足列车运行的稳定性(安全性)和平稳性要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]山区道路驾驶复杂可以不考虑节油。
[单选题]动车组一般情况下不得侧向通过小于( )的单开道岔和小于6号的对称双开道岔。
A.A、9号 B.B、12号 C.C、18号 D.D、7号 [单选题]EMCS人机界面中( )分为点控和模控。
A.A、手动控制 B. B、自动控制 C. C、就地控制 D. D、远程控制 我来回答: 提交