In response to those who would suggest
that there are no victims for the Hollywood malfeasance cited in this author’s
series of books on Hollywood, the following is a fairly comprehensive list of
the victims of the Hollywood-based U.S. film industry. Millions of parents are fooled into spending their hard-earned money and taking their children to inappropriate movies. Millions of children and adults are exposed over a lifetime to consistent negative and stereotypical portrayals of certain populations in our diverse society. Such portrayals lead to prejudice, which in turn leads to discrimination and unnecessary conflict, adversely affecting the entire nation. Millions of politicians, government officials, parents, teachers and others in positions of authority are consistently portrayed as fools and bumbling idiots in A. A summary with supporting details. B. An explanation with specific reference. C. A point of view with detailed evidence. D. A proposition with sound reasoning. [单选题]遥控调试:先让主台解除保电状态,再发送所接轮次的遥控跳闸,查看终端是否报警,观察开关是否动作。注意,此时终端上电应超过(____)min,否则跳闸不会执行。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [单项选择]患者,男性,78岁,患慢性支气管炎20年,频繁咳嗽2周来诊。患者近日受凉后频繁咳嗽、咳痰,痰稠不易咳出,不发热。护士巡视病房发现,患者于剧咳后突然呼吸极度困难,恐怖,两手乱抓,喉部可闻痰鸣音。护士采取的措施,最恰当的是()
A. 立即呼叫医师 B. 给氧吸入 C. 给患者取端坐位 D. 立即清除呼吸道痰液 E. 给予氨茶碱解痉 [多项选择]端接于Rl45口的配线架的线序及排列方式按有关国际标准规定的两种端接标准()之一进行端接。
A. T568A B. T568B C. T568C D. T568D E. T568E [单选题]新增个人经营性贷款最高限额____万元(系统内存单质押等低风险贷款、购买个人商业用房贷款除外,依据监管政策调整以系统设定为准)。
A.1000 B.500 C.300 D.100 [单项选择]设立有限责任形式的资产评估机构,其注册资本不得低于( )万元。
A. 30 B. 50 C. 100 D. 200 [单选题]变压器正常运行的声音是( )。
A.断断续续的嗡嗡声 B.连续均匀的嗡嗡声 C.时大时小的嗡嗡声 D.无规律的嗡嗡声 [判断题]证人患有疾病可能会死亡,人民法院可以采取证据保全措施。
A. A级主管授权 B. B级主管授权 C. A级主管或B级主管授权均可 D. 无需主管授权 [判断题]闭锁综合征多由于大脑中动脉双侧闭塞所致。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]武装部队人员、人民警察在境外叛逃构成投敌叛变罪。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]聚众扰乱车站、码头、民用航空站、商场、公园、影剧院、展览会、运动场或者其他公共场所秩序,聚众堵塞交通或者破坏交通秩序,抗拒、阻碍国家治安管理工作人员依法执行职务,情节严重的,对首要分子,处五年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )套丝前,圆杆直径太小会使螺纹太浅
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]消防用红外热像仪用于黑暗、浓烟环境中人员搜救或火源寻找。
[单选题] 局部振动病的典型表现为()。
A. 发作性手指变白 B. 肌萎缩 C. 听力下降 [单选题]成年人因失血致意识模糊、血压测不到,估计失血量:( )
A.大于800ml B.大于1000ml C.大于1200ml D.大于1400ml E.大于1600ml 我来回答: 提交