A. 阴天 B. 早晨 C. 黄昏 D. 晴天中午 [多选题]有下列行为之一的,给予记过或者记大过处分;情节较重的,给予降级或者撤职处分;情节严重的,给予开除处分:( )
A.非法剥夺、限制他人人身自由的; B.非法搜查他人身体、物品、住所或者场所的; C.违反规定延长羁押期限或者变相拘禁他人的; D.违反规定采取通缉等措施或者擅自使用侦察手段侵犯公民合法权益的。 [单选题]用户可以在STEP7中编写程序和对硬件进行组态,并通过编程器将用户程序和硬件组态信息下载到CPU,但不可以从CPU上载到编程器。
A.对 B.错 [多选题]高速铁路信号用标志牌包括( )、级间转换标志牌、中继站标志牌、调谐区标志牌。
A. 站内信号标志牌 B. 区间信号标志牌 C.道口信号标志牌 D. 预告信号标志牌 [判断题]服务员在收到遗失物品后,必须立即独自清点实物,并通知值班站长。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Scientists have come up with a theory for why time flies when you are having fun and drags when you are bored.
Scans have shown that (62) of activity in the brain change depending on how we focus on a task. Concentrating on time passing, as we do when bored, will (63) brain activity which will make it seem as though the clock is ticking more (64) . The research, by the French Laboratory of Neurobiology and Cognition, is (65) in the magazine Science. In the study, 12 volunteers watched an image while researchers (66) their brain activity using MR/ (核磁共振成像) scans. Volunteers were given a variety of tasks. In one they were told to concentrate simply on the duration of an image, in (67) they were asked to focus on the color, and in a third they were asked to concentrate on both (68) and color. The results showed that a network of brain regions was (69) when more subjects were paid attention to duration. I [多选题]上海轨道交通车辆转向架轴箱上安装有不同的速度传感器,包括( )。
A.齿轮箱速度传感器 B.ATC速度传感器 C.制动系统速度传感器 D.电机速度传感器 我来回答: 提交