The pounding rain began in the middle
of the night. The people of Jackson, Ohio awoke to the sound then went back to
sleep. The next day the rain continued, and the water began to rise. Statistics
said Jackson floods once every one hundred years, but no one believed this would
be the flood of the century. People were evacuated from their homes to higher
ground, leaving everything behind. Buildings in the low-lying areas were
immersed in water. People watched as dogs, cats, cows and other animals were
swept away. Cars and trucks were carried miles from their homes; The people felt
helpless as they wa A. evacuating people to higher ground. B. sweeping different kinds of animals away. C. carrying cars and trucks miles away. D. immersing buildings in the low-lying areas in water. [单选题]建设社会主义核心价值体系最根本的是( )
A.坚持马克思主义的指导地位 B.弘扬中国精神 C.践行社会主义荣辱观 D.坚持社会主义共同理想 [单选题]充电器输出的311号信号线,为蓄电池电压欠压信号,合动值为DC( )V。
A.90~92 B.92~94 C.94~96 D.96~98 [多选题]确定供电方案的基本要求( )。
A.应能满足供用电安全、可靠、经济、运行灵活、管理方便的要求,并留有发展裕度 B.符合电网建设、改造和发展规划的要求;满足客户近期、远期对电力的需求,具有最佳的综合经济效益 C.具有满足客户需求的供电可靠性及合格的电能质量 D.符合相关国家标准、电力行业技术标准和规程,以及技术装备先进要求,并应对多种供电方案进行技术经济比较,确定最佳方案 [简答题]简述液力传动油有哪些基本功能?
[单选题]如加压部分与检修部分之间的断开点,按校验电压有足够的安全距离,并在另一侧有( )时,可在断开点的一侧进行校验,另一侧可继续工作。
A.专责监护人 B.明显断开点 C.接地短路线 D.围栏(遮拦) [填空题]Teachers need to be aware of the emotional, intellectual, and physical changes that young adults experience. And they also need to give serious ________to how they can best ________such changes. Growing bodies need movement and ________, but not just in ways that emphasize competition. ________ they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges, teenagers are especially self-conscious and need the ________ that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are ________ by others. However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competition that it would be ________ to plan activities in which there are more winners than losers, ________ , publishing newsletters with many student-written book reviews, ________ student artwork, and sponsoring book discussion clubs. A variety of small clubs can provide ________ opportunities for leadership, as well as for practice in successful ________ dyna
A. A. off B. down C.out D.alone [多项选择]下列各项中,属于会计计量属性的有( )。
A. 现值 B. 历史成本 C. 公允价值 D. 未来现金流量 [多选题]接触网下锚形式有()
A.无补偿下锚形式 B.半补偿下锚形式 C.全补偿下锚形式 D.复式补偿下锚形式 E.链式补偿下锚形式 [单选题]下面四项中()不是料头的作用。
A.增加菜肴的香气滋味,增加锅气 B.消除或掩盖原料变质异味 C.便于识别菜肴的烹调方法和味料搭配,提高工作效率 D.丰富菜肴色彩,使菜肴更加美观 [单项选择]没有考虑到设备规格、材质的差异,估算的准确度也不高的建设项目估算方法是( )。
A. 生产能力指数法 B. 比例估算法 C. 朗格系数法 D. 指标估算法 我来回答: 提交