The usual way to ensure reliable delivery is to provide the (16) with some feedback about what is happening at the other end of the line. Typically, the protocol calls for the receiver to send back special (17) frame bearing positive or negative (18) about the incoming frames. If the sender receives a positive acknowledgement about a frame, it knows the frame has arrived safely.On the other hand, a negative acknowledgement means that something has gone wrong, and the frame must be transmitted again. An additional complication comes from the possibility that hardware troubles may cause a frame to (19) completely. In this case, the receiver will not react at all, since it has no any reason to react. It should be clear that a protocol in which the sender transmits a frame and then waits for an acknowledgement, positive or negative, will hang forever if a frame is ever lost due to, for example, (20) hardware.
(18)是() Until I took Dr Offutt’s class in
DeMatha High school, I was an underachieving student, but I left that class{{U}}
(31) {{/U}}never to underachieve again. He not only taught me to
think, he convinced me,{{U}} (32) {{/U}}by example as words that it was
my moral{{U}} (33) {{/U}}to do so and to serve others. {{U}} (34) {{/U}}of us could know how our relationship would{{U}} (35) {{/U}}over the years. When I came back to DeMatha to teach English, I worked for Dr. Offutt, the department chairman. My discussion with him were like graduate seminars in adolescent{{U}} (36) {{/U}}, classroom management and school leadership. After several years, I was{{U}} (37) {{/U}}department chairman, and our relationship{{U}} (38) {{/U}}again. I thought that it might be{{U}} (39) {{/U}}chairing the department, since all of my{{U}} (40) A. for B. at C. over D. about [判断题]在劳务费结算审计过程中,要求工程处对甲方的签证可作为施工队结算依据。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]民事诉讼法规定,人民法院按照审判监督程序再审的案件,如果原生效判决是第一审判决的,( )进行审理。
A. 应当适用第一审诉讼程序 B. 应当适用第二审诉讼程序 C. 人民法院既可以适用第一审诉讼程序,也可以适用第二审诉讼程序 D. 应当适用特别程序 [多选题]血浆蛋白的主要功能是
A.维持细胞内外水平衡 B.运输脂质 C.参与纤溶过程 D.营养作用 [单选题]下列关于安神药的药理作用,错误的是
A.镇静 B.催眠 C.抗惊厥 D.麻醉 E.减少动物的自发活动 [单选题]《刑法》第一百三十九条 【消防责任事故罪】违反消防管理法规,经消防监督机构通知采取改正措施而拒绝执行,造成严重后果的,对直接责任人员,处( )以下有期徒刑或者拘役.
A.二年 B.三年 C.五年 D.七年 [判断题]带电断、接耦合电容器时,应将其接地刀闸断开、停用高频保护和信号回路。被断开的电容器应立即对地放电。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]阳光的使命是让人们拥有更多的?()
A. 健康 B. 快乐 C. 阳光 D. 安全 [单项选择]轴与轴承组装时,测量轴承与轴的配合轴承的()间隙。
A. 轴向 B. 径向 C. 轴向和径向 [单项选择]下列哪种行为符合使用计算机的道德规范()。
A. 利用网络公布他人隐私 B. 利用网络歪曲他人私人信息 C. 利用网络破坏他人计算机 D. 删除自己计算机中不用的软件 [多项选择]按照剑桥学派的观点,假定其他因素不变,甲国物价水平上升,则()。
A. 该国货币量增加 B. 该国货币价值下降 C. 该国货币价值不变 D. 该国货币量减少 E. 该国货币价值上升 [判断题]目前智 e 通企业版(网银)客户通过通知存款支取功能,部分支取单位通知存款时,留存部分必须不低于 50 万元,留存部分低于 50 万元的需全部提出。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列属于煤矿井下防水措施的有( )。
A.A、建筑防水闸门 B.B、注浆架固顶板 C.C、留设防水煤柱 D.D、加强抗灾能力 E.E、探放水 [单项选择]行业信息收集就是在()近期的时装发布会和流行趋势预报中收集信息。
A. 国内外 B. 社会 C. 国内 D. 国外 [多选题]不良贷款责任认定的范围( )。
A.表内外信贷资产和同业投资 B.不良信贷资产 C.出现重大风险或其它重大事项,总行认为有必要实施责任认定的资产 D.已经责任认定,但在管理中发现有遗漏重大责任事实的,应进行补充责任认定 [判断题]分布式电源并网电压等级可根据装机容量进行初步选择,最终并网电压等级应根据电网条件,通过技术经济比选论证确定。若高低两级电压均具备接入条件,优先采用高电压等级接入。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]GPRS传输时的编码方式CS,在上行时由那个功能单元根据环境决定:()
A. BSC基站控制器 B. PCU分组处理单元 C. MS手机 D. BTS基站 [单选题] 依据 《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSSG 510001-2015)第6.3.2.5条规定:工作班人员应具有较强的( )、相应的安全技能及必要的作业技能;清楚并掌握工作任务和内容、工作地点、危险点、存在的安全风险及应采取的控制措施。
A.风险意识 B.安全意识 C.危险意识 D.防护意识 我来回答: 提交