There are stock markets (股票市场) in large
cities in many countries. Stock markets in Paris, London, Tokyo, Shanghai and
New York are among the largest and most well-known. The stock, also called stock
exchange, is a place where people can buy or sell shares of a factory or
company. And each share means certain ownership of a factory or
company. Different people go to stock markets. Some are rich, who want to get more money than they have. Others are not very rich, who buy stocks to try to become rich. Still others buy stocks as part of their plan to save money. Of course, investing (投资) money in the stock market is not the safest way to make money. No one can tell exactly whether the shares will be doing well. The factory or company may do badly. Then the stocks will go down, and the inv A. you can always make money B. you can tell exactly when the stock goes up or down C. you may sometimes lose money D. your gambling is always safe [判断题]班组安全管理是企业安全管理的基础和落脚点,也是铁路运输安全管理的基础。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男性,32岁,入冬以来感中上腹部不适并阵发性隐痛,有空腹痛及夜间痛,近2日大便发黑,其诊断可能是()
A. 胃癌并出血 B. 急性胃粘膜病变 C. 十二指肠球部溃疡出血 D. 胃溃疡并出血 E. 结肠癌 [单项选择]男,28岁,患“慢性肾炎”8年,查血压21.3/12.6KPa(160/95mmHg),Hb85g/L,尿蛋白(+),颗粒管型2~3个/HP,BUN10mmol/L,Cr220μmol/L。对该患者不宜于采取()
A. 低蛋白饮食 B. 高蛋白饮食 C. 低钠饮食 D. 根据尿量多少适当限水 E. 低磷饮食 [单项选择]下列关于酒店餐厅每月需对原材料进行盘点的项目叙述正确的是哪项()?(1)餐厨具(2)酒水(3)食品(4)粮油(5)调料(6)表单
A. (1)(3)(4)(5) B. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) C. (2)(3)(4)(6) D. (1)(2)(3)(4)(6) [不定项选择题]具有利尿通淋功效的药物是
A.川芎 B.丹参 C.郁金 D.桃仁 E.牛膝 [单选题]电流的单位是_____,电压的单位是_____。(易)(基础知识)
A.A、V B.V、A C.V、R D.R、A [单项选择]下面程序的运行结果为( )。
claSS A
static int n;
A( ){n=1;}
A(int num){n=num;}
void print( ){cout<
B. 13 C. 23 D. 33 [多选题]人防工程中的避难走道的设置要求包括
A.避难走道的装修材料燃烧性能等级应为B1级 B.防火分区至避难走道入口处应设置前室,前室面积不应小于5m2,前室的门应为甲级防火门 C.通向避难走道的各防火分区人数不等时,避难走道的净宽不应小于设计容纳人数最多的一个防火分区通向避难走道各安全出口最小净宽之和 D.避难走道应设置消火栓、火灾应急照明、应急广播和消防专线电话 E.避难走道直通地面的出口不应少于2个,并应设置在不同方向 [单选题]跳闸回路数字编号组为(-)。
3—31 233—249 150—169 390—399。 A.A B.B C.C D.D [单项选择]在Exce197中,在A1单元格输入2,在A2单元格输入5,然后选中A1:A2区域,拖动填充柄到单元格A3:A8,则得到的数字序列是()
A. 等比序列 B. 等差序列 C. 数字序列 D. 小数序列 E. 递减序列 [填空题]燃烧的三要素是 ( ) 、 ( ) 、 ( ) 。
[单项选择]某白酒厂2008年用外购粮食白酒以曲香调味生产浓香白酒500吨,全部发往经销商,收取不含税价款7480万元。另外向该经销商收取包装物押金58万。该厂当月应纳的消费税是( )。
A. 1531.91万元 B. 1112.21万元 C. 1211.84万元 D. 1555.91万元 [单项选择]国民生产总值等于国内生产总值加上( )。
A. 折旧 B. 财产收入 C. 国外的净要素收入 D. 净出口 [单项选择]在我国,以下不属于商法渊源的是:()
A. 制定法 B. 准法 C. 国际条约与国际惯例 D. 商事判例 [判断题]为了提高程序的易读性,尽可能使用高级语言或4GL编写程序。
[单选题]上解下拨款项时,临柜人员应对运钞车辆的( )进行确认
A.车型 B.车号 C.押运人员 D.以上都是 [单项选择]以下关于电缆敷设时的说法错误的是()
A. 电缆敷设时,盘边缘距地面不得小于100mm。 B. 电缆盘转动力量要均匀,速度要快。 C. 电缆敷设应由专人指挥、统一行动。 D. 有明确的联系信号。 [单选题]集团公司管外自轮运转特种设备进入集团公司管内前,由电务部门安装运行区段GYK数据,并对GYK及车载无线通信设备检测合格,其型号制式须满足运行区段要求,凭铁路国铁集团调度命令运行。(行规7.97.2.5)
A.对 B.错 [单选题]室性心动过速心电图诊断的最主要依据是( )
A.QRS波群形态宽大畸形 B.心室率100~200次/分 C.心室率稍微不规则 D.心室夺获和室性融合波 E.房室分离,房率>室率 [判断题]新的《中国工商银行公司客户信用风险监控办法》规定,3000万元以上的中大型客户信用风险分类原则上每半年由一级(直属)分行进行一次分类。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Passage Two
Going to court can be frightening, especially if you are a child. You may have to stand up in the witness box, and swear to tell the truth and answer questions in front of a crowd of adults. It would be even more frightening if you were the victim of a crime and you had to sit in the same courtroom as the person accused of attacking you,for instance. So the law in Britain has made it easier for children to act as witnesses. Children are allowed to tell what they know, from another room in the same courthouse. This way they do not have to face all those people in the courtroom. It works on a closed-circuit television link, which means that the TV only operates inside the court. The child witness sits in a room with a social worker in front of a TV camera. Everyone in the courtroom can see the child on a TV screen, but the child can only see the judge and the lawyers who will ask him or her questions. The system has been so successful tha A. a particular situation B. a particular incident C. a trial D. a box [单选题]培训班经费计算天数含报到和撤离时间,报到和撤离时间分别不得超过()天?
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]多人同时在一起作业时应统一指挥,相互间应保持一定的( ),防止工具碰撞伤人。
A.警惕性 B.作业距离 C.安全距离 D.防护距离 [多项选择]在颈部肿块失荣的发生中起重要作用而又有表里关系的脏腑是()
A. 心 B. 肝 C. 脾 D. 胆 E. 小肠 [单选题]接触网安全巡检装置(2C)周期为()。
A.10天 B.20天 C.30天 D.15天 我来回答: 提交