In an ideal world, the nation’s elite schools would enroll the most qualified students. But that’s not how it (1)Applicants whose parents are alums get special treatment, as (2) athletes and rich kids. Underrepresented minorities are also given (3) Thirty years of affirmative action have changed the character of (4) white universities; now about 13 percent of all undergraduates are black or Latino. (5) a recent study by the Century Foundation found that at the nation’s 146 most (6) schools, 74 percent of students came from upper middle-class and wealthy families, while only about 5 percent came from families with an annual income of (7) $ 35,000 or less.
Many schools say diversity—racial, economic and geographic— is (8) to maintaining intellectually (9) campuses. But Richard Kahlenberg of the Century Foundation says that even though colleges (10) they want poor kids, "
A. access
B. basis
C. key
D. solution
A. 汇率的升降 B. 储备量的增减 C. 结汇量的多少 D. 币种结构变动 [单选题]动车组再生制动时,参与的设备包括受电弓、主变压器、牵引变流器和“ ”。
A.牵引电机 B.充电机 C.蓄电池 D.辅助变流器 [判断题]当使用钻床加工工件时,操作工人应戴手套,以保安全。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]变压器防爆管薄膜的爆破压力是()。
A.0.049MPa B.0.0735MPa C.0.186MPa D.0.196MPa [单项选择]下列是高气道选择性吸入糖皮质激素的是()。
A. 茶碱 B. 支气管扩张药 C. 博利康尼雾化液 D. 布地奈德 [多项选择]在自控仪表的安装中,汇线槽安装可采用的连接方式有( )。
A. 焊接 B. 卡套式 C. 螺栓 D. 黏结 [单选题]稽核过程中发现非客户原因造成的少收、漏收通行费行为应按收费与()相关业务要求进行处理。
A.清分 B.稽核 C.结算 D.清算 [判断题]搬运电缆附件时,工作人员应相互配合,轻搬轻放,不得抛接。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]劳丹把问题划分为()和概念问题两大类。
[判断题]( ) 锗二极管死区电压为0.1 V,导通电压为0.3 V。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]与直觉和经验相比,量化的数字证据更能够帮助一个人成为更好的管理者。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在作业中断期间,未征得工作领导人同意,作业组成员不得擅自进入作业地点。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]教育工作者在教学内容的选择时,应考虑的因素包括:()
A. 社会 B. 受教育者 C. 知识 D. 学科体系 我来回答: 提交