Historically, the European Union has
not bothered with funding much basic scientific research. Such activities
have mainly remained the preserve of national governments, not least because
giving scientists free rein can lead to discoveries that not only make money but
ultimately enhance military might. That attitude is now changing. The European Commission proposes to establish a European Research Council(ERC) that would spend a maximum of 12 billion( $14 billion) over seven years on" blue skies" research. While the plans are being generally welcomed by Europe’s member states, their details are problematic. The proposed ERC is intended to make Europe more competitive. Europe has some first-class universities, scientific institutions and research organisations, But, the ERC’ s proponents argue, their activities are fragmented, so they A. Because they don’t want to be bothered with those basic researches. B. Because national governments take them as their sole preserve. C. Because member countries want to keep the benefits to themselves. D. Because scientist from the member countries couldn’t compete. [判断题]信息的真实性要求信息在整体上是客观存在的,对信息的具体细节没必要进行考察分析。
[填空题]机车车辆无论空、重状态,均不得超出( )。
[判断题]“文化大革命”是一个阶级推翻另一个阶级的政治运动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Which HTTP method represents a request for information about the supported methods on an HTTP server?()
A. GET B. INFO C. HEAD D. TRACE E. OPTIONS [判断题]模板支撑系统应为独立的系统,禁止与物料提升机、施工升降机、塔吊等起重设备钢结构架体机身及杆、纵横向支撑及水平垂直剪刀撑,并与主体结构的墙、柱牢固拉接( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]变更土地登记的基础是( )。
A.注销登记 B.设定土地登记 C.土地总登记 D.初始土地登记 [单项选择]下列有关支原体肺炎的临床表现,哪项是不正确的
A. 头痛显著 B. 潜伏期1~3周,起病缓慢 C. 咳嗽不重,初为干咳,以后咳大量黏痰 D. 发热退完后咳嗽可继续存在 E. 胸膜累及时,可有胸膜摩擦音或胸水体征 [名词解释]培养基
A.提升业务经营的质量 B.提高计划实施的质量 C.维护服务水平 D.制订人员安排表 我来回答: 提交