In 2007 a French food company wanted to
buy a family-owned firm in India. The patriarch was 72, and the French firm
wanted to send someone of similar experience to talk to him. But because of its
youthful corporate culture-most people are hustled out of the door in their mid
40s-it had no one to send. In the end, through Experconnect, an employment
agency in Paris which places retired people, it found a 58-year-old former head
of a European consumer-goods firm, and sent him out to Mumbai. France has a poor record when it comes to keeping older people in the workforce. The retirement age is 60, not 65 as in most developed countries. In 2005 only 37.8% of people aged 55-64 had jobs, versus 56.8% in Britain and 44.9% in Germany. The main reason is that in the 1980s, when there was high unemployment, the government promoted early retire A. One person per task. B. Once and for all. C. Tasks will be done only once, not repeatedly. D. Several persons for one task, but one will have to leave several days later. [单项选择]机车运用、检修指标台账的保存期限为()。
A. 永久 B. 10年 C. 5年 D. 3年 [单项选择]以下选项中,不属于自然生态亚系统生产功能的是()。
A. 资源消耗与代谢 B. 光合作用 C. 化学能合成 D. 水文循环 [判断题]货运检查员检查发现加固绳索、铁线捆绑拴结不符合规定,必需甩车整理。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]旅客开始旅行后就不能退票。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]What will the man do
A. A bag. B. Some tea. C. A bag and some tea. [单选题]BB004 截止阀属于( )阀件。
A.启闭阀 B.调节阀 C.逆止类 D.安全类 [单项选择]钢丝绳端部用绳卡连接时,其间距应不小于钢丝绳直径的()
A. 4倍 B. 5倍 C. 6倍 [判断题]绝缘手套作业法带电撤杆,设置绝缘遮蔽的原则是先对近边相导线按照“从近到远、从下到上、先带电体后接地体”的顺序设置绝缘遮蔽措施,其余两相按由近到远或先两侧后中间的顺序,以相同的方法设置绝缘遮蔽措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Smith doesn’t like to have somebody else (tell)()that he ought to do this or that.
[单选题]《行政处罚法》规定,未满14周岁的人违反行政法律规范将( )。
A.免予处罚 B.不予处罚 C.从轻处罚 D.减轻处罚 [单选题]恐惧症中最常见的是:
A.场所恐惧症 B.社交恐惧症 C.单一恐惧症 D.强迫性恐惧症 E.以上均不对 [多选题]高速铁路工务作业分为( )。
A.临时作业 B.维修作业 C.日常作业 D. 施工作业 [单选题] 夜间交通事故处置,应调派()到场。( )
A. 照明车 B. 供电车 C. 器材供应车 D. 牵引车 [单选题] 维修设备临时性的照明要采用()。
A.强光手电 B.活动吊灯 C.打火机 [单选题]商住楼内的公共娱乐场所与居民住宅的安全出口( )。 [ 易]
A.可以共用 B. 应当分开设置 C. 宜分开设置 [填空题]发生一起员工()人及以上受伤责任事故的,在受伤较重等级的基础上进行提级处理
[判断题]( )滾动轴承的滾子和滾道是曲面接触,除滾动外不存在少许滑动。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]工作票只能延期一次。延期手续应记录在记录簿上。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]有哪几种常用的化学气相淀积薄膜的方法?
A. 半岁时的身长 B. 1岁时的身长 C. 1.5岁时的身长 D. 2岁时的身长 E. 以上都不是 [判断题]高压隔离开关绝缘结构部分为对地绝缘和相间绝缘。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]无线电高度表的测高原理是测量电波从飞机发射到地面,再返回到飞机的()。
A. 相位变化 B. 幅度变化量 C. 频率变化 D. 电波在空间往返传播时间 [单选题]安装水位测量取源装置时,其取源阀门应()
A.横装 B.斜装 C.立装 D.正装 我来回答: 提交