Time "talks" in the American culture
and, for that matter, in many other cultures. (31) it
says is crucial in our relations with others. Some societies take their promises
to (32) deadlines seriously and keep appointments, and
they impose penalties for being late or not completing a task in the
(33) time. In the United States, being late repeatedly for
class in schools may lead to suspension. Late papers may (34)
as much as 10 percent reduction in the grade, or even a failing
grade. Perhaps the most critical dimension in culture is the use of time. Each culture has its own concept of time. In Germanic cultures punctuality is a (35) of respect and politeness; being late is rude. Germans believe people should be (36) on time, neither too early, nor too late. Tothe Indonesian, time is an endless pool A. lie in B. add to C. lead to D. bring out [简答题]Through people’s whole life, it is impossible for them to succeed all the time without any failure. Some people learn a lot from their failure. Some people went to pieces with the blow of failure. What is your idea about the failure
{{I}}Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:{{/I}}
In the first part, state your opinion.
In the second part, give specific reasons for your opinion.
In the last paragraph, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion with a summary.
{{I}}Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.{{/I}}
A. 低值易耗品 B. 材料成本差异 C. 待处理财产损溢 D. 存入保证金 [单选题]当制动系统均衡活塞的针阀和座有线隙时,产生()。
A.侧排风口排风 B.下方排风口排风不止 C.不能缓解 D.不保压 [判断题]连接在RS485总线上的设备也要求具有相同的通信协议,且地址能相同。
[单选题]列车运行途中司机发现客车车辆轮轴故障、车体下沉(倾斜)、车辆剧烈振动等危及行车安全的情况时,须立即采取停车措施,停车后由( )负责检查处理
A.机车乘务员 B.车辆乘务员 C.车站(助理)值班员 [单项选择]互见中两艘在航帆船相遇构成碰撞危险时,下列说法正确的是:()
A. 右舷受风且处于下风的船一定是直航船 B. 左舷受风而又处于上风的船一定为让路船 C. 无论哪舷受风,追越他船的船舶一定为让路船 D. 同舷受风时上风船为让路船 [单项选择]I shall always remember my tenth birthday. All my friends came (41) my birthday party.
When the time (42) near for me to be ready for the party, I (43) my birthday dress and went into the hall where every one was (44) for me. I saw a lot of lovely presents. They had been (45) for me by the guests.[A] caring [B] waiting [C] speaking [多选题]以下对组塔方法所适用的施工环境正确的是( )。
A.内悬浮外拉线抱杆、流动式起重机适用于一般铁塔的组立 B.内悬浮内拉线抱杆适用于受限地形 C.落地抱杆适用于特高压组塔和临近带电线路等情况 D.倒落式人字抱杆适用于平地或丘陵的拉线塔整体组立。 [判断题]已确定关闭的矿井以回撤名义擅自组织生产或将回撤工程委托发包给无资质企业的,责令停产整顿,没收违法所得并依法从重处罚。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]教师为促进随班就读的听障学生参与普通课程的学习,可采取:老师在讲课时,更多地使用()、()等直观的方式。
A. 防止杂光进入镜头 B. 防止雨滴进入镜头 C. 防止雪花飘入镜头 D. 防止灰尘进入镜头 [单选题] 可再生能源发展基金,对各省、自治区、直辖市扣除农业生产用电(含农业排灌用电)后的()征收。
A.销售电量 B.上网电量 C.交易电量 D.输送电量 [单项选择]以企业为主、以声明为准绳的第三方评审的货物环保节能标志是( )。
A. “中国环境标志” B. “Ⅱ型环境标志” C. “节能标志” D. “能源效率标识” [单选题]当化学烧伤时,正确的急救方法应该是( )。
A.立即用嘴吹灼伤部位 B.以最快的速度用冷水冲洗烧伤部位 C.包扎后去医院诊治 [简答题]法显
A. 不可抗力 B. 战争、罢工和社会动荡 C. 国家、地方政府政策性调整 D. 自然灾害或意外事故 我来回答: 提交