An Asian engineer is assigned to a US
laboratory and almost suffers a nervous breakdown. A US executive tells his
staff he’s going to treat them fairly -- and creates dissension (纷争). A Japanese
manager is promoted by his British president, but within six months asks for a
transfer. Each of these real-life cases involved people who were regarded as
superior employees, but were ill-equipped to cope with the complexities and
dangers of intercultural management. "Multinational companies have studied
everything else, now they’re finally looking at culture," says Clifford Clarke,
founder and president of the California-based IRI International Inc, one of a
small but growing number of consulting firms that specialize in teaching
business people from differing cultures how to communicate and work with each
other. "Never show th A. American managers B. multinational companies C. Japanese employees D. consulting firms [单项选择]在交接班中,交接双方均应采取()执勤准备部署。
A. 一级 B. 二级 C. 三级 D. 一、二、三级都行 [单项选择]在IPv6地址2001:0:0:050D:23:0:0:03D4的简化表示中,错误的是()。
A. 2001::050D:23:0:0:03D4 B. 2001:0:0:050D:23::03D4 C. 2001:0:0:50D:23:0:0:03D4 D. 2001::50D:23::03D4 [单选题]建立数据透视表后,将不能更改布局。
A.对 B.错 [判断题]为防范纸票风险,我行作为解付行,对收到的承兑付款确认影像验证申请,应拒绝并要求对方发起实物验证。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者男性,45岁。因反复咯血收住入院,平时无咳嗽、咳痰、乏力、盗汗、低热等。考虑支气管扩张可能。为明确诊断,应进行的检查是( )
A.痰细菌学培养 B.胸部X线检查 C.胸部CT D.纤维支气管镜检查 E.支气管造影 [单项选择]Outlook Express 软件是用于( )。
A. 字处理 B. 图像处理 C. 交换电子邮件 D. 统计报表应用 [多选题]在进入易燃易爆气体或者可燃液体泄漏的场所前,车辆必须安装防火罩,并停靠在上风或侧上风位置。严禁在( )的上方及其附近停靠。
A.地沟 B.窨井 C.水渠 D.管道 [判断题]列车信号显示屏的基本功能是允许列车操作员读取车辆信号系统的状态和其它信息,例如实际速度和目标速度和距离。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]地方官员的贪腐会对当地发展产生消极影响。
[单选题] 孕妇出现尿频、尿急现象,正确的处理措施是 ? (0.1分)
A. 嘱孕妇保证充足的睡眠 B. 嘱孕妇多饮水 C. 给予抗感染药物口服 D. 给予抗利尿药物口服 E. 是妊娠期正常的生理变化,不必处理 [单选题]闸阀作用是( )。
A.改变介质流动方向 B.调节介质流量 C.截止流体的流动 [判断题]工作过程中,工作负责人和工作许可人任何一方不得擅自变更安全措施。
163 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在数据模型中,()对应于视图层。
A. 概念数据模型 B. 逻辑数据模型 C. 物理数据模型 D. 抽象数据模型 [单选题]2.183.第183题
对直接接入式单相电能表,我国目前采用“一进一出”的接线方式。 A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交