The producers of instant coffee found
their product strongly resisted in the market places despite their product’s
manifest advantages. Furthermore, the advertising expenditure for instant coffee
was far greater than that for regular coffee. Efforts were made to find the
cause of the consumers’ seemingly unreasonable resistance to the product. The
reason given by most people was dislike for the taste. The producers suspected
that there might be deeper reasons, however. This was confirmed by one of
motivation research’s classic studies, one often cited in the trade. Mason
Haire, of the university of California, constructed two shopping lists that were
identical except for one item. There were six items common to both lists:
hamburger, carrots, bread, baking powder, canned peaches, and potatoes, with the
brands or amounts specified. The se A. Nearly half of the women tested described the instant coffee user a lazy housewife and a poor planner. B. About fifty percent of the women were lazy. C. 25% the women tested believed that wives who used instant coffee were lazy. D. Wives who used regular coffee were good planners. [单选题]在履行教育教学义务的活动中,教师必须遵守职业道德规范,最主要、最基本的是要坚持( )。
A.团结协作 B.教书育人 C.严谨治学 D.爱岗敬业 [多项选择]在合理保证的鉴证业务中,为了能够以积极方式提出结论,注册会计师应当实施下列 ( )审计程序,以获取充分、适当的证据。
A. 了解内部控制 B. 评估可能存在的重大错报风险 C. 测试控制运行的有效性 D. 对评估的风险做出应对 [单项选择]在被叫过程中,MSC收到VLR发来的()后,将向移动台发一条建立的消息。
A. MAPCOMPLETECALL B. DATAREQ C. CALLCONF D. DATAIND E. CALLCONFIRMED [多选题]定期开展消防安全检查,应确保( )了解各自管辖范围内的重点防火要求和灭火方案。
A.各单位 B.各车间 C.各班组 D.各作业人员 [判断题]格拉段无人站人工准备进路时,遇道岔故障不能集中操作时,列车调度员应及时通知工务、电务部门派人立即赶赴现场。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某一学术课题在实验性、理论性或预测性上具有的新的科学研究成果或创新见解和知识的科学记录称为()。
A. 学术论文 B. 毕业论文 C. 自然科学论文 D. 社会科学论文 [判断题]搬运重物时,应该尽量挺直腰部。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]作用于靶器官的多巴胺受体,神经系统副作用罕见的是()
A. 甲氧氯普胺 B. 多潘立酮 C. 西沙必利 D. 莫沙必利 E. 伊托必利 [单选题]目前公认的在诊断大肠癌和术后检测方面有意义的肿瘤标记物是
A.CEA B.AFP C.CA199 D.PSA E.CA125 [名词解释]概念义
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