Nelson Mandela was still in jail when
the first street was named {{U}} 62 {{/U}} him. By the time he retired as
President of South Africa, hundreds of streets, squares and schools {{U}} 63
{{/U}} his name, as did many more pop songs, books and movies. {{U}} 64
{{/U}}, Mandela is an inspiring figure of the world. But what about
{{U}} 65 {{/U}} books that bear Mandela’s name {{U}} 66 {{/U}}
charities that use his name to {{U}} 67 {{/U}} their profile As his
legend has grown ever larger, Mandela has been faced with all of these
situations. Increasingly, however, Mandela’s handlers are
fighting back. Mandela, who will be 91 this year, {{U}} 68 {{/U}}. appears in public and increasingly relies on the managers of his foundation to manage his affairs. Now they’re facing with a tricky issue: {{U}} 69 {{/U}} what point does a very famo A. Because B. After all C. Therefore D. Besides [判断题]智能控制柜应具备温度湿度调节功能,柜内湿度应保持在80%以下。
A.正确 B.错误 [配伍题]在肌肉松弛部位拔罐时,多选用()。|在面积较大、肌肉丰厚处拔罐时,多选用()。
A. 留罐法 B. 走罐法 C. 闪罐法 D. 留针拔罐法 E. 刺血拔罐法 [单选题]在纯电容电路中,电路的无功功率因数为( )。
A.0 B.0.4 C.0.8 D.1 [单项选择]被孙权封为“讨曹副都督”的是()
A. 黄盖 B. 甘宁 C. 程普 D. 周瑜 [单选题]防护罩为金属材质有足够的强度和刚度,直径及边长或椭圆形孔的短轴尺寸应小于()mm,安全距离应不小于35mm;固定螺栓牢固可靠
A.2 B.20 C.35 D.6.5 [判断题]为了保障依法举行的游行的行进,负责维持交通秩序的人民警察在征得游行负责人同意后,可以临时变通执行交通规则的有关规定。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输管理规则》中规定,列车内发现有人护送的精神病旅客,乘务员应向护送人介绍安全注意事项,并予以协助。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]食品生产经营单位负责人的初次培训时间应不少于多少学时
A. 15 B. 20 C. 25 D. 30 E. 50 [单选题]特种设备分为承压类特种设备和机电类特种设备。其中承压类特种设备是指承载定压力的密闭设备或管状设备。下列设备中,属于承压类特种设备的是( )。
A.常压锅炉 B.医用氧舱 C.原油储罐 D.采暖壁挂炉 [单选题]不属于燃烧三要素的是()。
A.点火源 B.阻燃性物质 C.可燃性物质 [单项选择] Being a salesman,the most important thing is to understand people. You’ve got to know what they’re thinking. If you can figure that out,you can get them to do a lot. They come in with an idea about what they want. You get them talking about themselves,abont what they like.
If it’s a man,you talk about football,or something like that. If it’s a woman,you ask her about fash- ions. That way they get comfortable with you. You ask them a lot of questions and get them saying yes. Then they just get into the habit of saying yes.
In the end,you can put them into anything you want,if you’re really good. For example,if they need a little car for the city;you send them home a truck. Of course, 1 wouhln’t really do that. It wouldn’t be right. You’ve got to sell on this job,but you also have to be fair. It’s not fair to take advantage of people too much. There are some people in this business who’d do anything. But 1 don’t believe in that.According to the last paragraph, the author beli
A. it is right to do anything in business B. it is useless to believe in what customers say C. it is unfair to take too much advantage of people D. it is dangerous to listen to the advice of a salesman [单选题] 使用临时拉线时,一个锚桩上的临时拉线不得超过( )。
A.一根; B.两根; C.三根; D.四根。 [单项选择]心室颤动引起阿-斯综合征时,最有效的抢救方法是()
A. 静脉注射利多卡因 B. 皮下注射肾上腺素 C. 植入心脏起搏器 D. 同步电击复律 E. 非同步电击复律 [多项选择]文学媒介的发展经历了()
A. 口语媒介期 B. 前纸媒介期 C. 纸媒介期 D. 电子媒介期 [单项选择]在运用小组工作方法解决社会问题的过程中,较有影响的是。()
A. 治疗模式 B. 社会目标模式 C. 互动模式 D. 任务中心模式 [单选题]高压电力电缆需停电的工作,应填用( )工作票。
A. 第一种 B.第二种 C.事故紧急抢修单 D.带电作业 [单选题]提高最小可检测信号功率的关键是()
A.减少外部杂波干扰 B.提高输入信号增益 C.尽量减小接收机内部噪声 D.提高信噪比 [判断题]红葡萄癫颜色来源于酿酒原料本身。
[单选题]客服中心站务员离岗前需办理( )手续。
A.BOM登录 B.BOM注销 C.交接班 D.交帐 [单选题]同一补偿装置的两补偿滑轮的间距,任何情况下( )mm。(职工)(应知应会-铁总运[2017]9号,第一百二十六条)
A.不小于400 B.不小于450 C.不小于500 D.不小于300 [单选题]根据《刑法》规定,下列哪种情形不属于挪用公款罪( )。( )
A.挪用公款归个人使用,进行非法活动 B.挪用公款数额较大、超过三个月未还 C.挪用公款数额较大、进行营利活动 D.挪用公款数额较大、进行非营利活动 [多项选择]在发展规划咨询中,区域规划研究的规划基本条件应包括( )。
A. 生产力布局 B. 地理条件 C. 经济基础条件 D. 社会人文条件 E. 市场开发条件 [多选题]使用摇表进行测量前应进行()检查。
A.周围环境 B.测试人员 C.开路 D.短路 [判断题]《铁运旅客运输规程》中规定,因承运人责任造成的取消托运时,保价费按80%退还。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]在国家《药品目录》中的药品,从基本医疗保险用药范围或国家和地方的《药品目录》中删除的情形有()。
A. 药品监管局撤销批准文号的 B. 药品监管局吊销《进口药品注册证》的 C. 药品监管局禁止生产、销售和使用的 D. 经主管部门查实,在生产、销售过程中有违法行为的 [单选题]架空线路竣工验收时,应以额定电压对线路冲击合闸( )次。
A.5 B.3 C.2 D.1 [单选题]以借款条中的签名笔迹证明案件事实时,该借款条属于( )。
A.书证 B.物证 C.当事人陈述 D.鉴定意见 [单选题]遇有冲刷、起土、上拔或导地线、拉线松动的杆塔,登杆塔前,应先(),打好临时拉线或支好架杆。
A.培土加固 B.三交待 C.两穿一戴 D.测量接地电阻 [多选题]人民法院依法对行政案件独立行使审判权, 不受下列哪些主体的干涉?
A.行政机关 B.社会团体 C.人民检察院 D.个人 我来回答: 提交