Advancing age means losing your hair,
your waistline and your memory, right Dana Denis is just 40 years old, but
(21) she’s worried about what she calls "my rolling mental
blackouts." "I try to remember something and I just blank out," she
says. You may (22) about these lapses, calling them "senior moments" or blaming "early Alzheimer’s(老年痴呆症)." Is it an inescapable fact that the older you get, the (23) you remember Well, sort of. But as time goes by, we tend to blame age (24) problems that are not necessarily age-related. "When a teenager can’t find her keys, she thinks it’s because she’s distracted or disorganized," says Paul Gold "A 70-year-old blames her (25) ." In fact, the 70-year-old may have been (26) things for decades. In healthy people, memory doesn’t worsen as (27) as A. as B. till C. though D. yet [单项选择]气管插管时致环杓关节脱位造成的声嘶一般出现在()。
A. 拔管前 B. 拔管后 C. 术后第1~3天 D. 术后2~8周 E. 术后3~6月 [多项选择]以下哪些说法是错误的()
A. 网络信息的收集,绝大部分是通过搜索引擎找到信息发布源获得的。在这个过栏中,减少了信息传递的中间环节,有效地保证了信息的便于存储 B. 免费商务信息约占信息库数据量的60%左右,是信息服务商的主要服务范围网络商务信息大部分属于这一范畴 C. 完整不是收集网络商务信息的基本要求之一 D. 网络商务信息的范畴其实仅仅指的是通过网络传递的商务过程中双方交流的信息 [判断题]对于申请从事国际道路运输的,省级道路运输管理机构应当自受理申请之日起30日内审查完毕,作出批准或者不予批准的决定。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题] DCS.PLC 和 SIS 分别是什么控制系统?
A.消毒剂浓度 B.有机物的存在 C.盐的存在 D.温度 E.酸碱度 [单选题]电影院应保持( )以上安全出口和疏散楼梯(其中至少应按要求设置()独立的安全出口和疏散楼梯),与其他场所共用的疏散楼梯在()营业时应满足安全疏散要求。
A.1个,2个,夜间 B.2个,1个,夜间 C. 2个,2个,夜间 D. 2个,1个,全天 [多选题]公务员定期考核的结果分为()四个等次。
A.优秀 B.称职 C.基本称职 D.不称职 [单选题]AD007 一般情况下,黏弹体防腐材料与其他具有( )的外保护带联用。
A.耐化学性能 B.较好抗冲击性能 C.良好的剥离强度 D.良好的绝缘电阻 [单选题]带电更换绝缘子,如采取停电作业所需时间为1小时,实际需要的最小停电范围内的户数为45,停送电时间为2小时,则此次带电作业减少停电时户数为(____)时户。
A.45 B.90 C.135 D.180 [简答题]
某医院由多幢大楼(门诊楼、急诊楼、住院楼和综合楼等)组成,安装公司承包了该医院的机电工程,机电工程内容有建筑给排水,建筑电气、通风空调、智能化等工程。工程合同约定为固定总价5000万元,每幢大楼完工后立即进入竣工验收。工程的设备、材料均由业主指定品牌,由安装公司组织采购。在施工准备阶段安装公司项目部编制了施工组织设计、施工总进度计划、施工方案及设备、材料采购计划。 [单选题]室外机搬动时倾斜角度不应大于【】°。
A.45 B.30 C.60 [多选题]各单位在填写《人员补充计划书》要明确的内用有( )三项。
A.补充工种岗位 B.人员补充方式 C.补充人数 D.补充原因 E.补充条件 [单项选择]男,40岁,因心前区剧痛12小时诊为急性前壁心肌梗死住院。心电监护示频发室性早搏和短阵室性心动过速。首选的抗心律失常药物是()
A. 乙胺碘呋酮 B. 利多卡因 C. 溴苄胺 D. 倍他乐克 E. 慢心律 [判断题]炮采工作面爆破前、后应冲洗煤壁。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Humans are unique in the extent to which they can reflect on themselves and others. Humans are able to (31) , to think in abstract terms, to reflect on the future. A meaningless, (32) world is an insecure world. We do not like extensive insecurity. When it (33) to human behavior we infer meaning and (34) to make the behavior understandable. (35) all this means is that people develop "quasi theories" of human behavior, that is, theories that are not developed in a/an (36) , scientific manner. When doing so, people believe they know (37) humans do the things they do.
Let’s consider an example. In the United States people have been (38) with the increasing amount of crime for several years. The extent of crime bothers us; we ourselves could be victims. But it (39) bothers us that people behave in such ways. Why can such things happen We develop quasi theories. We (40) concerned about the high crim A. That B. As C. What D. Even [判断题]水电站应及时向所属电网调控机构提供本流域内雨情、水情、凌情。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]想要查看家中动态,可以用小度的哪个功能实现?()
A.回家看看 B.看护助手 C.智能监控 D.和家固话 [判断题]表明反应所放出或吸收的热量的化学方程式,叫做热化学方程式。
[判断题]消防员晋升消防救援衔的年度计划,由支队政治机关依据编制和配备情况拟制,报消防救援局、森林消防局批准后下达执行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交