Where Did All the Ships Go The Bermuda Triangle is one{{U}} (51) {{/U}}the greatest mysteries of the sea. In this triangular area between Florida, Puerto Rico and Bermuda in Atlantic, ships and airplanes{{U}} (52) {{/U}}to disappear more often than in{{U}} (53) {{/U}}parts of the ocean. And they do so{{U}} (54) {{/U}}leaving any sign of all accident or any dead bodies. It is{{U}} (55) {{/U}}that Christopher Columbus was the first person to record strange happenings in the area. His compass(指南针) stopped working, a flame came down from the sky, and a wave 100 to 200 feet high carried his ship about a mile away. The most famous disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle was the US Naval Air Flight 19.{{U}} (56) {{/U}} December 5,1945, five bomb A. On B. In C. From D. Since [单项选择]晒伤后的皮肤应避免()。
A. 刺激 B. 清洁 C. 补水 D. 镇静 [多项选择]具有一套完善的灭弧装置,能在有负荷的情况下接通或断开电路的电器是( )。
A. 熔断器 B. 高压断路器 C. 接触器 D. 隔离开关 [判断题]放、撤导线应有人监护,注意与高压导线的安全距离,并采取措施防止与低压带电线路接触。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]软膜中不包括( )面膜。
A.粉状 B.片状 C.膏状 D.胶状 [填空题]车下逆变电源箱将DC600V直流电逆变成三相()交流电,向空调系统、电开水炉等装置三相交流用电负载供电。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]被废弃不再使用的电器和电子产品,比如废旧电脑、废旧手机,俗称“电子垃圾”,下列关于“电子垃圾”,说法正确的是:( )
A.电子垃圾可以进行化学处理 B.电子垃圾可以进行焚烧处理 C.电子垃圾不能填埋处理,这样会污染环境 D.电子垃圾应该进行综合处理,对有用的部分回收再利用 [多选题]中心控制情况下,驻所联络员负责( )等作业时的登记要点、销记工作。
A.A、电务相关施工 B.B、天窗修 C.C、突发性设备故障 D.D、灾害紧急抢修 [多选题]帷幕灌浆的主要参数有( )等。
A.灌浆孔排数 B.深度 C.灌浆压力 D.厚度 E.抗冻标准 [判断题]胀轨处置原则应遵循“以人为本、安全第一,统一指挥,逐级负责,快速反应、协同应对,预防为主、 平战结合”的原则。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]北京市西城区人民法院2002年第35号第一审刑事判决书的编号应为()。
A. 京西刑初字(2002)第35号 B. 西刑初字(2002)第35号 C. (2002)京西刑初字第35号 D. (2002)西刑初字第35号 [多选题][T2]食品类商品供应商应提供的有效资质证明包括 ( )。
A.食品生产许可证 B.商标注册证明 C.商品检测报告 D.食品流通许可证 [单项选择]有关人类精子形态结构的描述错误的是()
A. 形似蝌蚪 B. 分头、尾两部 C. 头部有浓缩的细胞核、顶体和1个中心粒 D. 尾部分为颈段、中段、主段和末段 E. 中段包有外周致密纤维和线粒体鞘 [单选题]人参与莱菔子同服,莱菔子可以降低人参的补气作用,这种配伍关系属于
A.相须 B.相使 C.相恶 D.相反 E.相畏 [单项选择]男,60岁,慢性支气管炎,肺气肿10年,近年来咳嗽、气促加重,体查见消瘦体型,慢性缺氧面容,胸呈桶状,阴囊匀称性肿大,咳嗽剧烈时感阴囊肿大加剧为明确阴囊肿大的原因首选下列哪项检查()
A. 阴囊CT B. 阴囊B超 C. 阴囊穿刺 D. 透光试验 E. 睾丸扫描 [单选题]汽车库室内疏散楼梯的宽度不应小于( )m。
A. 0.9 B. 1 C. 1.1 D. 1.2 [判断题]向视图是可以可以自由配置的视图,因此向视图的投射方向也完全可以自由取定。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]A. It’s Linda’s. B. It’s for Linda.
C. Linda borrowed it from the library. D. I lent it to Linda. [多选题]工作许可后,工作负责人、专责监护人应向工作班成员交待(),告知危险点,并履行签名确认手续,方可下达开始工作的命令。
A.现场电气设备接线情况 B.工作内容 C.人员分工 D.带电部位 E.现场安全措施 F.略 [单选题]特种作业人员未按规定经专门的安全作业培训并取得相应资格,上岗作业的,责令生产经营单( )。
A.限期改正 B.罚款 C.停产、停业整顿 [单项选择]After an intense three-month heat wave, Indians in the north and east of the subcontinent were praying hard for rain. Their prayers were heard and answered in the form of a curse. Violent downpours flooded much of the country, drowning more than 500 people and leaving thousands more homeless. Walls of water hit 26 cities and 2,500 villages, washing away bridges, submerging reads and railways in waist- deep torrents, cutting power lines and wiping out animals, crops and factories. In all, the storm destroyed more than $ 1 billion worth of property. The death toll in neighboring Bangladesh rose to nearly 300 since mid-June. More than 400 people died in Nepal and another 700 were missing.
The rains hit India hardest in Punjab (旁遮普邦), which was transformed into a wasteland of collapsed houses and dead cattle. In the village of Doomchheri, 40 km southwest of Chandigarh, Punjab’s capital, floods rising to a height of 4m washed away 400 of the 700 homes and destroyed all the crops. Jas A. he hadn’t tried to rescue others B. villagers had helped him C. he had struggled harder toward safety D. his body had been found some days later [单选题]通常自然分娩产妇在产后( )便可下床适当活动。
A..2 小时 B.3 小时 C.4 小时 D.5小时 [多项选择]运营管理部门是金库保管区门控的主管部门,负责()。
A. 强化门控管理 B. 逐步统一门控种类 C. 不断提升门控科技水平 D. 招标门控设备公司 [判断题]矩阵的组合特性是矩阵乘法满足结合率,不满足交换率,即进行连续变换时一定要按变换次序对变换矩阵求积后才得到总的变换矩阵。
A.桥面 B.桥墩 C.上部 D.中部 [单选题] 002792(单选题).以下哪个关于手动变速器的语句是对()
A.手动变速器改变动力传输装置的接合/脱离和齿轮的啮合。 B.手动变速器通过变 矩器传输发动机的动力。 C.不管换档杆的位置如何,手动变速器的输入轴和输出轴以相同速度旋转。 D.手动变速器的输入轴和输出轴总是以相同方向旋转。 我来回答: 提交