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· You will hear another five short recordings. · For each recording decide who is talking. · Write one Letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording. · Do not use any letter more than once. · After you have listened once, replay each recording. A a receptionist B an interpreter C an accountant D a typist E a lawyer F a salesperson G a trainer H a courier [单选题]关于联合试运转费,下列说法中正确的是( )。
A.包括对整个生产线或装置运行无负荷和有负荷试运转所发生的费用 B.包括施工单位参加试运转人员的工资及专家指导费 C.包括试运转中暴露的应设备缺陷发生的处理费用 D.包括对单台设备进行单机试运转工作的调试费 [单选题]禁止私自动用任何设备
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]拉伸试样按方向分为() 。
A.横向拉伸试样 B.纵向拉伸试样 C.Z向拉伸试样 D.特殊角度拉伸试样 [判断题]高圆簧减振垫无老化、无变形。弹簧可见部分无裂纹、变形、并圈。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]经劳动合同双方当事人协商一致的,可以( )劳动合同。
A. 变更 B. 解除 C. 终止 D. 转让 [判断题]轴承运转时应注意温度、噪声和润滑。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]1MB 就是 1024*1024B 。 _____
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]1.二元件三相电能表用来测量三相三线和不对称三相四线电路的电能。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]一张工作票中,同时有检修和试验时,试验前应得到()的同意。
A.试验负责人 B.工作负责人 C.调度同意 D.工作许可人 [单项选择]私は 毎朝 8時に 家( ) 出ます。
A. でも B. に C. を D. へ [单项选择]下列各项,不属“痒”病因的是
A. 血瘀 B. 热胜 C. 湿胜 D. 虫淫 E. 风胜 [简答题]引起汽车故障的原因有哪几方面?
A.A.(副)区域站长 B.B.值班站长 C.C.值班员 D.D.票款员 [单项选择]关于行政权的表述,正确的说法是()。
A. 行政权即行政职权 B. 行政权即行政权限 C. 行政权是国家政权和社会治理权的组成部分 D. 行政权即行政机关的职权 [单项选择]
E Four people were killed and more than fifty injured when fans rushed to get into a stadium in Chicago yesterday where a British pop group was giving its last concert in the city. The incident occurred when the gate were opened to admit a huge crowd of young people waiting outside the stadium for the sale of unreserved seat tickets. People were knocked over in the rush. The injured were sent to the hospital immediately. But three, including a fourteen-year-old high school student, died on the way and one died this morning. Twenty have already left the hospital after regular medical check-up and treatment. Six are still under emergency treatment. The pop group was unaware of what has happened and the concert later went ahead as planned. A police spokesman said that the police had decided to allow the concert to proceed in order to avoid further trouble, but they insisted the organizers of the concert be responsible for the incident. Rog A. Young people’s enthusiasm over the British pop group. B. The decision to open the gates to sell the unreserved seat tickets. C. The pop group was to leave after the concert. D. The stadium was too small to hold such a big crowd of audience. [单项选择]关于颗粒剂的错误表述是( )
A. 飞散性、附着性较小 B. 吸湿性、聚集性较小 C. 颗粒剂可包衣或制成缓释制剂 D. 干燥失重不得超过8% E. 可适当加入芳香剂、矫味剂、着色剂 [单项选择]视网膜裂孔边缘翻卷,表面皱褶,考虑病变为哪一级()
A. 增生性玻璃体视网膜病变A B. 增生性玻璃体视网膜病变B C. 增生性玻璃体视网膜病变C1 D. 增生性玻璃体视网膜病变D E. 增生性玻璃体视网膜病变C1-3 [单选题]下列选项中,应当认定为无因管理的情形是( )。
A.打扫公共场所 B.帮助朋友赢回因赌博输掉的金钱 C.为朋友无偿保管自行车 D.帮助他人推车 [单选题] 采用手持式风动钻机钻眼,开眼时,钻速不要过快,当钻进孔深( )mm左右时,打开水阀,逐步加快钻速,进入正常钻孔作业。
A.10 B.20 C.30 [单选题]乌梅丸适用于
A.寒热错杂,气机阻滞,症见心下痞满、呕吐下利者 B.寒热错杂,虚实夹杂,肠道失固,症见久泻久痢者 C.寒热错杂,痰热互结,症见心下疼痛、按之石硬者 D.寒热错杂,痰湿交阻,症见心下痞满、恶食懒倦者 E.胃虚痰阻,气机阻滞,症见心下痞硬、噫气不除者 [判断题]如发生旅客强行登占航空器的情况,航空公司、机场有关领导应立即赶赴现场,向当事人做好宣传解释工作,同时做好现场录像工作和其他取证工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )是研究的核心。
A. 假设 B. 研究对象 C. 选题 D. 研究结果 [单选题]欧姆定律中流过电阻R上的电流I与电阻两端的( )U成正比。
A.电压 B.电阻 C.电容 D.电抗 [单选题]肌节由:
A.I带 B.A带 C.1/2H带+A带+1/2I带 D.A带+I带 E.1/2I带+A带+1/2I带 [单选题]下面对换路定则的描述正确的是:( )。
A.电感元件中的电流可能跃变 B.电容元件中的电流可能跃变 C.电感元件中的电压不能跃变 D.电容元件中的电压不能跃变 [单选题] 第119题
非永久性减容的,超过两年恢复的按减容恢复手续办理。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当使用三菱热电偶输入模块Q64RD 时,通过一个模块可以测量( ) 通道的温度。
A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4 个 [单选题]带有速度、电流双闭环调速系统,在启动时,调节作用主要靠( )产生。
A.电流调节器 B.速度调节器 C.电流、速度调节器 D.比例、积分调节器 [单选题]进线室在建筑中的位置应便于光(电)缆进局(站),应设置()路进线
A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四 [判断题]跨境金融区块链服务平台向银行提供页面登陆和直连接入两种使用模式。 关于扩大跨境金融区块链服务平台试点工作的通知
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]One businessman thought that Lenin was ______ and the other thought (认为,考虑) that Lenin was.
A. Seotch...a Russian (俄国的,俄语的) leader B. a kind of drink...a leader C. a kind of drink...a kind of music 我来回答: 提交