Eight thousand years ago, forests
covered more than 23 million square miles, or about 40 percent of Earth’s land
surface. Today, almost half of those forests have fallen to the ax, the chain
saw, the matchstick, or the bulldozer. A map unveiled in March by the Washington-based World Resources Institute not only shows the locations of former forests, but also assesses the condition of today’s forests worldwide. Institute researchers developed the map with the help of the World Conservation Monitoring Center, the World Wildlife Fund, and 90 forest experts from a variety of universities, government organizations, and environmental groups. Only one-fifth of the remaining forests are still "frontier forests", defined as a relatively undisturbed natural forests large enough to support all of their native species. Frontier forests offer a number of be A. (A) design a new map B. (B) show different approaches to the protection of forest C. (C) reveal locations of frontier forest in the world D. (D) put countries in different ranks [单选题]短期接触电磁场电磁场对人体的伤害作用( )逐渐消除。
A.不确定 B.不可以 C.可以 [单项选择]属于心律失常中冲动传导异常的是()
A. 窦性心动过速 B. 期前收缩 C. 逸搏心律 D. 房室传导阻滞 E. 心房颤动 [判断题]在炉内磷酸盐处理时,加入量过多危害也不显著()。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]安全带( )等标识清晰完整,各部件完整无缺失、无伤残破损。
A.制造商 B.商标 C.合格证 D.检验证 [单选题](79-80题共用题干)某女,28岁,孕3产0,妊娠34周。第一胎人工流产,第二胎为脊柱裂畸形,于妊娠24周时引产。此次妊娠早期无异常情况。妊娠32周时B超检查提示:羊水偏多,胎儿大于妊娠月份,未见明显畸形。孕妇体型肥胖,有多饮、多尿、多食史。首选何种治疗方法
A.双胍类药物 B.磺脲类药物 C.中药治疗 D.控制饮食 E.肾上腺皮质激素 [单选题]1949年,世界上第一台()计算机投入运行。
A.存储程序 B.微型 C.人工智能 D.巨型 [判断题]可燃性物质发生着火的最低温度,称为着火点或燃点。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]拷贝mydir\myfile文件到dir2目录下,但是系统提示这个文件已经存在,下面那个命令是正确的
A.cp -w mydir\myfile dir2 B.cp -i mydir\myfile dir2 C.cp mydir\myfile dir2 D.cp -v mydir\myfile dir2 [简答题]HXD1电力机车制动控制单元---主要负责机车的空气制动控制。
[单选题]幼儿教育是学前教育的后半阶段,在我国,幼儿教育主要是指面向( )的儿童所实施的教育。
A.0—3岁 B.3—6岁 C.0—6岁 D.O—8岁 [判断题]熔断器的特性,是通过熔体 的电压值越高,熔断时间越 短。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]外墙保温系统耐冻融性能实验时,试样周边应涂密封材料密封。
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