Most of the plans and programs for diminishing crime
by means of comprehensive community organization have made prevention their
major purpose. However, the underlying concepts on which such programs are based
suffer from inconsistency (不一致,矛盾) and confusion. It would be inaccurate
to speak as if concise, clear, and explicit models for crime prevention existed
especially since writing and discussion on the subject often have been more
ideological than scientific. One conception heavily weighted with ideology is the argument that crime can be prevented by massive or total programs of social and economic improvement directed at the root causes of crime in society as a whole. The assumption is that eliminating harmful social conditions such as poverty, malnutrition, disease, poor housing, family disorganization, unemployment, and r A. are not based on facts and not systematic B. involve profound thinking C. are ideological and scientific D. are not explicitly expressed [多选题]还原期的主要任务是( )。
A.脱氧 B.脱硫 C.脱碳 D.调整成分 E.调整温度 [单选题]《工伤保险条例》的规定,职工因工外出期间发生事故或者在抢险救灾中下落不明的,从事故发生当月起( )照发工资。
A.2个月内 B.3个月内 C.4个月内 D.5个月内 [单项选择]可以克服或降低高分子材料的可燃性,减少火灾的发生及控制火灾蔓延。
A. 高分子材料阻燃化技术 B. 离子材料阻燃化技术 C. 添加型阻燃技术 D. 无机阻燃技术 [单选题]以下( )不是火灾发生的必要条件。【单选题】
A. 着火源 B. 助燃物 C. 氧气 D.充足的可燃物 [判断题]由于其较强的流动性和较高的安全性,货币市场基金可以作为现金规划的工具。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]什么是组织行为不当引起的危机?组织行为不当引起危机的原因是什么?
[判断题]铁芯线的特点有电阻大,严重影响传输效率和传输距离,不推荐使用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]需要进行管理的船舶资源不包括为保证船舶正常航行和操作所需的()。
A. 船舶避碰规则 B. 时间/空间 C. 技能/经验 D. 与有关部门合作和可获得的支持 [单选题]()对短期或临时承包商进行三级安全培训及考核
A.分厂 B.属地单位 C.安全科 D.承包商 [不定项选择题][多选题] 抑郁发作的特点包括( )。
A.情绪低落 B.言语减少 C.思维贫乏 D.动作迟缓 [单选题]患者女,30岁。时常觉得自己内心的想法被别人察觉。此患者的精神症状属于
A.被害妄想 B.关系妄想 C.被洞悉感 D.感知综合障碍 E.思维错乱 [多项选择]债券的票面要素包括()。
A. 债券的票面价值 B. 债券的偿还期限 C. 债券利率 D. 债券发行总量 [单项选择]What is paper made form When we (41) books or newspapers, we seldom stop and think about the things (42) to make them. (43) paper our lives would be very different.
Paper is one of (44) important inventions(发明) of all time. The people in Egypt (埃及) first used a kind of grass like plant to (45) paper around five (46) years ago. 3000 years later, a Chinese man created a new (47) of paper using pieces of old cloth. Then for several hundred years, people (48) the world had been using this Chinese method to make paper. In 1838, a Canadian man invented a (49) method of papermaking using wood. Today, most of the paper we use is made from (50) . A. type B. thing C. one [单项选择]造成()死亡,构成重大事故。
A. 10人以上30人以下 B. 2人以上10人以下 C. 3人以上30人以下 D. 10人以上50人以下 [判断题]参加调车作业的人员应做到:认真执行作业标准,保证行车有关人员的人身安全及作业安全。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]中心锚结按其作用分为防断和( )两种形式。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]有以下程序:
main( )
{ char a=''a'',b;
程序运行后的输出结果是( )。
A. b,b B. b,c C. a,b D. a,c [单选题]常用开门器最大工作行程是( )mm。
A.100 B.150 C.200 D.250 [多选题]旅客列车空调失效需组织旅客换乘或疏散时,可根据不同场景,采取( )等处置方式。
A.机车救援 B.动车组救援 C.换乘至热备动车组或其他旅客列车 D.停运 [单项选择]吴某近几年纠集一伙人,在珠江三角洲一带流窜作案,多次抢劫,打伤10多人,赃款数额高达人民币20多万元。人民法院依据刑法判处吴某死刑,剥夺政治权利终身。这一案例表明,犯罪的最本质特征是( )。
A. 严重的社会危害性 B. 刑事违法性 C. 刑罚当罚性 D. 执法严格性 我来回答: 提交