Irradiating Food Irradiating fruits, vegetables, pork and chicken to kill insects and bacteria has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration over the past decade. Irradiation of other meats, such as beef and lamb, is being reviewed. Federal approval does not require that industry adopt the process, and few food processors presently offer irradiated products. Market studies have shown that many consumers are afraid that eating irradiated foods may cause cancer, despite scientific studies that prove the safety of treated foods. Some people argue that more severe government inspection, higher food-safety standard and more careful-preparation practices by consumers are all that is needed to ensure that food [单选题]计算机的输入设备包括键盘、鼠标和( )。
A.显示器 B.打印机 C.绘图仪 D.扫描仪 [单选题]大量不保留灌肠忌用于 ( )
A.习惯性便秘 B.急腹症 C.巨结肠病人 D.中暑 [判断题]粗基准可重复使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列市场调查中,属于直接调查法的有( )。
A. 询问法 B. 测试法 C. 抽样调查法 D. 实验法 E. 观察法 [单选题]企业创新要求员工努力做到( )。
A.不能墨守成规,但也不能标新立异 B.大胆地破除现有的结论,自创理论体系 C.大胆地试大胆地闯,敢于提出新问题 D.激发人的灵感,遏制冲动和情感 [多选题]个人经营性贷款主要包括( )
A.个人流动资金贷款 B.个人创业贷款 C.个人设备贷款 D.个人物业购建贷款 [多选题]对称三相负载有功功率等于(___)。
A.P=3I2R B.P=3ULIL C.P=3UpIpcosφ D.P=√3ULILcosφ [多选题]多选题:本次事故暴露的问题有()。
A.登杆人员杨××安全意识淡薄,《安规》执行不认真,自我保护意识差。 B.工作负责人刘XX履责不到位,未正确组织现场勘察和危险点分析,无票作业。 C.作业现场安全管理不到位,未采取有效的危险点控制措施。 D.工作班成员未做到“安全生产四不伤害”,未能制止现场违章行为。 [多项选择]专业技术人员提升知识的第一步,是要考虑清楚哪几个问题?()
A. 目前自己拥有的最突出的是什么知识 B. 目前工作岗位最急需的是什么知识 C. 对比工作岗位最急需的知识,自己最欠缺的是什么知识 D. 专业技术人员自己应该怎样提升这些欠缺的知识 [单项选择]溶剂型防水涂料中的高分子材料______于有机溶剂中,而且以分子状态存在于有机溶剂中,呈溶液状涂料。由于溶剂苯有毒,且易燃、易爆,对环境有污染,故市场份额已逐步减少。
A. 溶解 B. 溶化 C. 溶融 D. 溶胀 [单项选择]What are the listeners asked to do
A. Attend a dinner B. Look at a schedule C. Give a presentation D. Register in the main hall [简答题]政治社团的特征是什么?
[多选题]要实现2020年全面建成小康社会的奋斗目标,推动经济社会持续健康发展,下列属于必须遵循的原则的是:( )
A.坚持人民主体地位 B.坚持依宪治国 C.坚持深化改革 D.坚持党的领导 [判断题]CRH1A-A型动车组制动缓解响应时间测试缓解制动,测量制动缸压力降到0.4巴的时间,应小于5秒钟。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]便秘与何脏腑功能失调无关()
A. 肝 B. 肺 C. 心 D. 脾、胃 E. 肾 [单选题]发生两尖轨互相脱离时,检查的程序多采用的( )方法。
A.一查、二踩、三扳 B.一看、二查、三扳 C.一查、二看、三踩 D.一看、二踩、三扳 [单项选择]
现实生活中,真正能够平心静气、______者,似乎为数不多。相反,惯于给灵魂做加法,喜欢抛头露面、彰显自我的,人倒是不少。君不见,有的人只要有机会,不是东拉西扯、侃侃而谈,便是谈天说地、______。不少人喜欢把关节购物、唱歌喝酒、头疼脑热、感冒鼻塞之类的闲事琐事无聊事,统统发到朋友圈里去。 A. 委曲求全、口若悬河 B. 心如止水、指桑骂槐 C. 波澜不惊、口诛笔伐 D. 心无旁骛、津津乐道 [单项选择]创建良好的群团关系,首先要使( )
A. 群团目标超越组织目标 B. 群团目标与组织目标一致 C. 群团目标超越个人目标 D. 组织目标超越群团目标 [填空题]( )是指组织借助经济的力量,通过价格机制来规范组织内部门和员工的行为。
[单项选择]保荐机构与发行人签订保荐协议后应当在( )内报相关机构备案。
A. 5个工作日 B. 10个工作日 C. 5日 D. 10日 [单项选择]To call something "marginal" means it is not very good. Farmers have their own way to (47) marginal land: It is the last to be planted under good conditions, and has the (48) to be avoided under poor conditions. Low (49) soil is not the only reason land could be considered marginal. It might be in an area where rainfall is (50) or where a hillside might rise too steeply (陡峭地).
There are uses for marginal land, however. Most often it is used as grassland. Grasses provide excellent (51) for grazing (吃草) animals like cattle, sheep and goats. Grass seed can be bought from a foreign supplier or (52) grasses can be used. However, using marginal land for grazing is not a simple issue. There is a (53) of overgrazing. Cattle can damage the crops by eating down to the roots. Also, the weight of the animals crushes the soil and can make it too hard for growing. A(n) (54) way to reduce the harm is to move animals from one field to another. This method is known as rotational g
[单项选择]Most banks in the US open at 9:00 or 10:00 and close between 3:00 and 5:00, but stay open later on Fridays, and some banks have longer hours in order to attract customers on this day.
What’s the best way to carry money safely while you are traveling There are three possibilities-personal checks from your country, travelers checks and credit cards. Some Ame-rican banks accept foreign checks such as Eurocheques (欧洲货币支票);the problem is that only those banks that are used to dealing with foreigners will know what Eurocheques are. It may be more convenient to carry travelers checks, which are insured against loss. They should be in dollars, because only a few banks do much business in foreign currencies. If your checks aren’t in dollars, it may take you a long time to find a bank that will exchange them. You can use travelers checks almost anywhere. If you run out of them, you can buy more at most banks. Their service charge will vary, though, so ask what it is before y A. there are many kinds of credit cards B. they are not easy to lose C. they can be canceled after being stolen D. they are easy to carry with [判断题]101. “网捷贷”分行预授信客户、个人白名单客户的归属行为营销行。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]哪种酶参与糖异生()
A.丙酮酸脱氢酶 B.苹果酸脱氢酶 C.NADH脱氢酶 D.葡萄糖6一磷酸酶 E.6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶 [单选题]HXD2型电力机车工作的环境温度()之间。
A.-40~+40℃ B.-30~+60℃ C.-20~+20℃ [单选题]发现断路器严重漏气时,应(____)。
A.立即将重合闸停用 B.立即断开断路器 C.采取禁止跳闸的措施 D.不用采取措施 [多项选择]半年需求预测中,由营销中心负责的工作有()。
A. 分析历史数据 B. 建立预测模型 C. 评定预测结果 D. 提交预测结果 [多选题]恄3
情绪调控方法 A.转移注意力 B.合理宣泄 C.积极暗示 D.理性思维 [单项选择]可以在互联网上发布药品信息的是
A. 阿托品 B. 美沙酮 C. 哌替啶 D. 碘131化钠胶囊 E. 维生素C 我来回答: 提交