Visitors to St Paul’s Cathedral are
sometimes astonished as they walk round the space under the dome to come upon a
statue which would appear to be that of a retired gladiator meditating upon a
wasted life. They are still more astonished when they see under it an
inscription indicating that it represents the English writer, Samuel Johnson.
The statue is by Bacon, but it is not one of his best works. The figure is, as
often in eighteenth-century sculpture, clothed only in a loose robe which leaves
arms, legs and one shoulder bare. But the strangeness for us is not one of
costume only. If we know anything of Johnson, we know that he was constantly iii
all through his life; and whether we know anything of him or not we are apt to
think of a literary man as a delicate, weak, nervous sort of person. Nothing can
be further from that A. never had enough money to live on. B. managed to live on tea only. C. lived frugally in the past. D. always lived in easy circumstances. [单选题]定期开展开关柜局放测试,特别重要设备6个月,重要设备1年,一般设备( )年。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单项选择]从2013年起,至多用8年至10年时间实现()银行网点付出现金的全额清分。
A. 省会 B. 地市 C. 县级及以下 D. 乡镇 [单选题]保险带、绳使用长度在( )m 以上的应加缓冲器。
A.0.5 B.1.0 C.2.0 D.3.0 [判断题]当高层建筑与其裙房之间设有防火墙等防火分隔设施时,其裙房的防火分区允许最大建筑面积不应大于2500m2,当设有自动喷水灭火系统时,防火分区允许最大建筑面积可增加1.00倍。 ( )(中)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]易腐货物是否适合棚车运输,由托运人确定,并在运单( )栏内记明“要求使用棚车,因此造成的货损自负”字样。
A.承运人记事栏 B.托运人记事栏 C.背书 D.右上角 [单选题]列车中途停站作业时,一个车门上下的集装件总数每分钟不得超过( )。
A.2件 B.3件 C.4件 D.5件 [单选题]施工机具应有专用库房存放,库房要保持()、经常()。
A.整齐通风 B.干燥通风 C.干净整齐 D.湿润整洁 E./ F./ [判断题]行政处罚由违法行为发生地的地级市以上地方人民政府具有行政处罚权的行政机关管辖。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]-A-006 3 1 3
切割时,切割压力过高,容易产生内凹缺陷。 A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]货物损失分为哪几类?
A. 0~2km/h B. 0~3km/h C. 0~4km/h D. 0~5km/h [简答题]自动站间闭塞,当列车出发后,出站信号机应自动关闭。
[单项选择]道路安全设施中,设置( )的目的是给道路通行人员提供确切的信息,保证交通安全畅通。
A. 交通标志 B. 路面标线 C. 视线诱导标 D. 防眩设施 [多选题]香糟卤配制时,将拌好的香糟汁倒入布袋中,滤出糟卤,最后加入()调拌即成。
A..黄酒 B..酱油 C..蚝油 D..味精 [判断题]横排温度最高点应在焦侧的第3-4火道。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交