在CPU 执行一段程序的过程中,Cache 的存取次数为3800 次,由主存完成的存取次数为200 次。若Cache 的存取周期为5ns,主存的存取周期为25ns,则Cache 的命中率为 (1) ;CPU 的平均访问时间为 (2) ns。
IQ-gene{{/B}} In the angry debate over how much of IQ comes from the genes that children inherit from parents and how much comes from experiences, one little fact gets overlooked: no one has identified any genes (other than those that cause retardation) that affect intelligence. So researchers led by Robert Plomin of London’s Institute of Psychiatry decided to look for some. They figured that if you want to find a "smart gene", you should look in smart kids. They therefore examined the DNA of students like those who are so bright that they take college entrance exams four years early--and still score at Princeton--caliber levels. The scientists found what they sought. "We have," says Plomin, "the first specific gene ever associated with general intelligence." Plomin’s A. there may not be a causal link between gene and intelligence B. there is a close correlation between gene and intelligence C. there may be a close relation between chopsticks flexibility and children’s academic score D. there is not a close relation between chopsticks flexibility and children’s academic SCOre [单选题][单选题]内分泌系统的功能是调节机体的
A.代谢 B.生长 C.发育 D.生殖 E.以上全是 [不定项选择题]性别表示男女在( )。单选
A.生物学方面的差异 B.人格特征方面的差异 C.社会性学方面的差异 D.行为方式方面的差异 [判断题]氯丙嗪引起的帕金森综合征可用苯海索治疗。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Interpersonal communication is your interaction with others. Talking to a friend on campus, chatting to a(n) (67) friend on campus, chatting on the phone with a classmate about a(n) (68) test, arguing the (69) of a movie with friends, discussing strategies for accomplishing tasks at work, (70) for a job, and planning the future (71) a loved one am all forms of interpersonal communication.
Effective interpersonal communication (72) our sensitivity to others and to the situation. One goal of effective interpersonal communication is to maintain relationships, and forming (73) messages that accurately convey our ideas and feelings (74) not offending the other person is key (75) our success. Effective interpersonal communication (76) us. People who can clearly express their ideas, beliefs, and opinions become influential and (77) control over what happens to A. exhaust B. exert C. affect D. enact [名词解释]有效氯
A. 肌肉萎缩 B. 食欲减退 C. 痔静脉曲张 D. 女性闭经 E. 黄疸 F. 腹水 G. 脾大 H. 脾功能亢进 I. 上消化道出血 J. 腹壁静脉曲张 [填空题]2号线全高、半高站台门系统均采用( )传动方式。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]金属计量箱的箱体、充电桩外壳等设备的( )应合格。
A. A.接地电阻 [单项选择]Windows NT Server内置的网络协议有: ______。
Ⅰ.TCP/IP Ⅱ.MWLink Ⅲ.NetBEUI Ⅳ.数据链咱控制协议 A. Ⅰ和Ⅱ B. Ⅰ和Ⅲ C. Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ D. 全部 我来回答: 提交