One of the most widely discussed
subjects these days is the energy crisis. Automobile drivers cannot get
gasoline; homeowners may not get enough heating oil; factories are threatened by
a fuel shortage. The crisis has {{U}} (26) {{/U}} questions about the large oil companies and windfall profits. Critics of the oil industry {{U}} (27) {{/U}} that the major companies are getting richer because of the oil shortage. Shortage, of cause, {{U}} (28) {{/U}} prices up. As oil prices rise, the critics say, the oil companies will make more and more money-- windfall profits without doing a thing to {{U}} (29) {{/U}} the extra cash. "Windfall profits are sudden unearned profits -- profits made {{U}} (30) {{/U}} luck, or some special mm of events. The word itself tells what "windfall" means - something blown {{U}} (31) {{/U}} by the wind, s A. waste B. purchase C. earn D. add [单选题]患者,男性,60岁.进行性黄疸2个月.诊断为胰头癌,行胰十二指肠切除术,术后5天突然出现上腹疼痛,腹腔穿刺 抽出含胆汁的液体少许.患者可能出现了 ? (0.2分)
A.膈下脓肿 B.术后急性腹膜炎 C.嵌顿性内疝 D.胆囊穿孔 E.胰、空肠吻合口瘘 [判断题]使用兆欧表测量绝缘电阻时,作业人员站的位置、仪表安设的位置及设备的接线点均要选择适当,使人员、仪表及测量导线于带电部分保持足够的安全距离。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]储值票加封时需注明哪些内容?( )
A.票种 B.加封人 C.金额 D.有效期 [单选题]下列成立犯罪中止的是( )。
A.甲以出卖为目的偷盗一名幼童,幼童终日啼哭,甲见其可怜,遂将其悄悄送回家中 B.甲欲对乙女实施强奸,乙女从包中拿出一万元对甲说“大哥,放了我就把钱给你”,甲拿到钱放弃强奸 C.甲失业在家,一日准备出去抢劫,出门时遇到一辆警车开过,甲认为不是好兆头,遂放弃犯罪,准备改日行动 D.甲想杀害乙便持刀在乙家门前等,结果乙那天恰巧没回家,甲只好回去,半路被抓获 [单选题]鸟害具有一定的规律性,如季节性、时间性、(____)、瞬时性、重复性等。
A. 随机性 B. 区域性 C. 一致性 D. 差异性 [多项选择]
根据以下资料回答 A. 责令限期改芷 B. 可对该单位处3000元以上5万元以下罚款 C. 可对直接负责的主管人员处2 000元以上2万元以下罚款 D. 由于情节严重,可吊销直接责任人员的会计从业资格证书 [判断题]自动闭塞区段作业,天气不良或瞭望条件困难地段,必须坚持多线避车(任何一线来车都下道避车)。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]不能推算孕龄的项目是
A.末次月经第一天 B.早孕反应的时间 C.胎动出现的时间 D.手测宫底高度 E.羊水振荡试验 [单项选择]底阀的淹没深度最小不得小于()
A. 1m B. 1.5m C. 0.5m [单选题]新安装或A、B类检修后投运的断路器、长期停用的断路器投入运行()小时内,应增加巡视次数(不少于3次),巡视项目按照全面巡视执行。
A.72 B.36 C.24 D.12 [判断题]绝缘导线的更换与裸导线的更换施工方法不完全相同。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]甲国居民有来源于乙国所得200万元,甲乙两国的所得税税率分别为30%、20%,两国均行使地域管辖权和居民管辖权。在抵免法下甲国应对该笔所得征收所得税( )万元。
A. 0 B. 10 C. 20 D. 30 [单项选择]Cosmology is sometimes pooh-poohed as more philosophy than science. It asks deep questions about nature but provides unsatisfyingly vague answers. The cosmos may be 12 billion years old, but it could be as much as 15 billion. The stars began to shine 100 million years after the Big Bang, or maybe it’s a billion. "Our ideas," acknowledges Max Tegmark of the University of Pennsylvania, "have been kind of wobbly."
But much of the wobble has been fixed, thanks to a satellite known as the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, or WMAP. Since July 2001, WMAP has been orbiting in deep space, more than a million kilometers from Earth, studying the most ancient light in existence. And in a dramatic reminder that important space science is almost always done by machines, not fragile humans, it reported a series of precision measurements that will finally put cosmology on a firm foundation. What the satellite found, says Princeton University’s David Spergel, a theorist on the WMAP team, A. Microwaves are the medium WMAP used to make measurements. B. Warmer spots would finally develop into the clusters of galaxies. C. Dark energy is a decisive factor in the cosmic expansion. D. The nature of dark matter in space is unknown to scientists. [判断题]、(判断题)原料上浆后要进行滑油,油温高低会影响上浆的效果,一般油温低易脱浆;油温高,原料不易划散,容易粘连在一起。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电阻焊焊件与电极之间的接触电阻对电阻焊过程是有利的。( )
[单选题]‡年是中国—东盟建立对话关系_____周年。( )
A.20 B.30 C.40 D.50 [多项选择]按照设计合同示范文本的规定,( )属于发包人的责任。
A. 提供设计依据资料 B. 提供设计预算资料 C. 向施工单位进行设计交底 D. 对设计成果组织鉴定和验收 E. 提供设计人员需要的工作和生活条件 [判断题]食品生产经营者,食品行业协会发现食品安全标准在执行中存在问题的,应当立即向食品药品监管部门报告。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]辅助线包括()
A.联络线 B.折返线 C.车场线 D.安全线 [单选题]合伙型基金的合格投资者人数不超过( )人。
A.20 B.50 C.100 D.200 我来回答: 提交