The most important time period in
television is called prime time (8.00-11.00 P.M. ) and is {{U}} (67)
{{/U}} by the major networks. {{U}} (68) {{/U}} FCC (美国联邦通讯委员会)
regulation the networks may provide {{U}} (69) {{/U}} 3 hours of
programming per night. During these hours the most expensive and {{U}} (70)
{{/U}} programs are aired, and the TV audience is the largest. The dominant {{U}} (71) {{/U}} of prime time network programming today are action-adventure {{U}} (72) {{/U}} , situation comedies, and movies. Specials and miniseries are also prominent {{U}} (73) {{/U}} the networks continue to experiment {{U}} (74) {{/U}} program stunting and other strategies to win the {{U}} (75) {{/U}} race. The only "live" programming — {{U}} (76) {{/U}} at the time of the {{U}} (77) {{/U}} — is various sports events such as ABC’s NFL Monday A. program-designing B. audience-participating C. audience-rating D. program-trading [简答题]现场勘察的内容包含哪些?
[多选题]观察技巧主要有( )两种。
A.重复观察 B.专一观察 C.静止观察 D.动态观察 [判断题]二次系统的工作,在全部或部分带电的运行屏(柜)上进行工作时,应将检修设备与运行设备以明显的标志隔开
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]A. Yes, I will. B. No problem. C. No, thanks. D. No, it isn’t.
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 5 [多项选择]以下哪些药物对映异构体活性不同
A. 维生素C B. 吗啡 C. 异丙肾上腺素 D. 阿托品 E. 多巴胺 [单项选择]下列哪种病变形成的腔属于空腔
A. 虫蚀样空洞 B. 结核性空洞 C. 肺大泡 D. 薄壁空洞 E. 癌性空洞 [多选题]表示车辆通过性能的技术参数是:( )。
A.转弯半径 B.接近角 C.离去角 D.最小离地间隙 [多选题]万用表主要组成有?( )
A.表头 B.测量电路 C.转换开关 D.以上都不对 [单选题]接触线距钢轨顶面的高度在区间和中间站,不小于( )。
A.6500mm B.5330mm C.5700mm D.6330mm [填空题]每( )对除盐水站高效过滤器设备本体及管道、仪表、阀门进行一次巡回检查。
[单项选择]( )是资金供求双方不需要其他金融中介机构介入的一种资金融通方式。
A. 直接融资 B. 间接融资 C. 发行市场 D. 流通市场 [单选题]根据《安全生产法》,矿山、金属冶炼建设项目和用于生产、储存、装卸危险物品的建设项目的安全设施设计应当按照国家有关规定报经有关部门()。
A.论证 B.审查 C.备案 [单项选择]一般( )向基金管理人提供了更好的激励约束机制。
A. 开放式基金 B. 封闭式基金 C. 公司型基金 D. 契约型基金 [判断题]设备寿命期内,由于自然力量的作用或因保管不善而造成的锈蚀、老化、腐朽,甚至引起工作精度和工作能力的丧失,即称为自然磨损。
[单选题]装置内应设贯通式道路,道路应有不少于两个出入口,且两个出入口宜位于不同方位。当装置外两侧消防道路间距不大于( )m时,装置内可不设贯通式道路。
A.60 B.90 C.120 D.150 [判断题]若中断供电时可能造成人身伤亡情况,则称为二类负荷。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电气设备操作后的位置检查应以( )为准.
A.设备实际位置 B.设备各相位置 C.设备各相机械位置 D.设备各相实际位置 [判断题]调节锅炉点火升压速度的主要手段是控制好对空排汽量。
[填空题]Daily social relations in France have always been dominated by family ties. The family has been the focus of the individual’s loyalty and (47) , of his economic interest, and even of his (48) duty. Many an older Frenchman has spent his youth in a World where the family’s needs and demands were put before those of the local (49) or even of the State.
The main change since the war is that the focus of loyalty has been (50) narrowing from the" (51) family" to the "nuclear family", i.e. the home cell of parents and children. In the rural areas the traditionally big peasant families have lost their influence as the young (52) away to the town. And in the upper class families, as (53) gives way to income and family management disappears, the tight network of the big family gathering has become less necessary for the individual’s future, and also less easy to (54) . Though clan(宗族) loyalties towards more dis [多选题]《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》第5.2.2.2条规定:公司系统内部作业人员及其直接管理人员应( )接受一次本规程的考试;间断现场工作连续( )以上者,应重新学习本规程并考试。
A. 每半年 B. 每年 C. 3 个月 D. 6 个月 [单项选择]我国五家大型商业银行的机构性质是( )。
A. 国有企业 B. 事业单位 C. 国家机关 D. 政府部门 我来回答: 提交