Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people. Shy people are anxious and self-conscious; that is, they are excessively (1) with their own appearance and actions. Worrisome thoughts are constantly occurring in their (2) : What kind of impression am I making Do they like me Do I sound stupid Am I (3) unattractive clothes
It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people adversely. A person’s self-concept is reflected in the way he or she behaves, and the way a person (4) affects other people’s (5) . In (6) , the way people think about (7) has a profound effect on all areas of their lives.
Shy people, having low (8) , are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others. They need reassurance that they are doing "the right thing." Shy people are very (9) to criticism; they feel it confirms their inferiority. They also find it difficult to be pl
The growth of cell-phone users in the U.S. has
tapered off from the breakneck pace of 50% annually in the late 1990s to what
analysis project will be a 15% to 20% rise in 2002, and no more than that in
2003. To some extent, numerous surveys have found, slower growth in demand
reflects consumer disillusionment with just about every aspect of cell-phone
service--its reliability, quality, and notorious customer service. The cooling off in demand threatens to cascade through the industry: The big four U.S. cell-phone carders--Verizon Wireless, Cingular Wireless, AT&T Wireless, Sprint imperil their timetables for becoming profitable, not to mention their efforts to whittle down their mountains of debt. As the carders have begun to cut costs, wireless- equipment makers--companies such as Lucent, Nokia, and Ericsson--have been left wit A. The bad service in the U.S. cell-phone industry. B. The crisis in the U.S. cell-phone industry. C. The conflicts among cell-phone companies in the U. S. D. The price of the U.S. cell-phone industry. [单项选择]女,68岁,糖尿病史20年,1天前发热、腹泻后突然抽搐、昏迷,人院后查血糖33.7 mmol/L,血钠 155 mmoL/L,血浆渗透压340 mmol/L,尿酮体阴性,此患者最可能的诊断是
A. 感染中毒性休克 B. 脑血管意外 C. 脱水引起循环血容量不足 D. 高渗性非糖尿病酮症昏迷 E. 糖尿病酮症酸中毒 [单项选择]在条件宏设计时,对于连续重复的条件,可以代替的符号是______。
A. ... B. = C. , D. ; [简答题]如何进行引种驯化工作?
[多项选择]关于对纳税人、扣缴义务人未缴少缴税款的追征制度,下列说法正确的有( )。
A. 因税务机关的责任造成少缴税款,税务机关可以在3年内要求纳税人、扣缴义务人补缴税款,但不得加收滞纳金 B. 对于骗税,税务机关可以在7年内追征纳税人所骗取的税款 C. 因纳税人非主观故意造成少缴税款,一般情况下,税务机关的追征期限为5年 D. 纳税人因计算错误造成少缴税款,一般情况下,税务机关的追征期限为3年 E. 对纳税人、扣缴义务人偷税造成少缴税款的滞纳金可以无限期追征 [单选题]新职、转岗、晋升人员(简称“三新”人员)须按照铁路职业技能培训规范要求,进行任职资格培训,并经职业技能鉴定,取得( )和岗位培训合格证书后持证上岗。
A.职业合格证 B.职业等级 C.技能等级 D.职业资格证书 [单选题]上、下部固定绳应水平并处于拉紧状态,允许有平缓的负弛度,5股道及以下不超过(),5股道以上不超过()。
A.100mm、200mm B.200mm、250mm C.200mm、400mm [单选题]《空调列车服务质量规范》规定:列车晚点遇列车空调故障时,有条件时将旅客疏散到空调良好的车厢,必要时采取开窗通风措施。在站停车须组织旅客下车时,()。按规定做好旅客到站时的站车交接。
A.车站人员组织 B.列车人员组织 C.站车共同组织 D.三乘共同组织 [填空题]
A.吸吮母乳 B.奶瓶喂养 C. 专用奶瓶喂养 D. 流食喂养 E.不受限制 [单项选择]()is the function of loading goods in pallet and wrapping it.
A. Package B. Containerization C. Palletizing D. Sorting [单项选择]男,27岁,发热1个月,体温波动于37.5℃~38.5℃,无咳嗽症状。查体:睑结膜略苍白,双肺呼吸音清,可闻及干湿啰音,心率:136次/分,律齐,肋骨左缘第4肋间可闻及3/6收缩期杂音。腹平软,肝肋下未触及异物,脾肋下2cm,可见杵状指。为明确诊断首选()
A. 骨穿 B. T3、T4、TSH C. ASO D. 抗核抗体 E. 超声 [多选题]以下属于OSPF协议的LSA且只能在区域间传递的是?
A.LSA1 B.LSA2 C.LSA3 D.LSA5 [单选题]当钢丝绳端部固定采用绳夹时,绳夹规格应与绳径匹配,数量不应少于( )个,间距不应小于绳径的6倍,绳夹夹座应安放在长绳一侧,不得正反交错设置。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单项选择]膀胱癌最常见的病理类型为( )。
A. 鳞状细胞癌 B. 移行上皮癌 C. 腺癌 D. 黏液细胞癌 E. 小细胞癌 [单选题]处理瓦斯爆炸事故时,遇有害气体威胁回风区人员时,为了救人,可在撤出进风流中的人员后进行[ ]。
A.全矿井反风 B.正常通风 C.局部反风 [单项选择]揭示了封建文化对人性的压抑摧残的艺术形象是()
A. 二姑姑 B. 孙老者 C. 沙子龙 D. 华威先生 [多选题]给水管道的防护包括()。
A.防腐 B.防冻 C.防结露 D.防振 [单项选择]低压供电的电压是().
A. 10KV B. 6KV C. 220,380V D. 1000V [多项选择]赤带与经漏的鉴别要点是()
A. 赤带属经漏症状 B. 赤带月经周期正常 C. 经漏月经周期正常 D. 经漏月经周期异常 E. 赤带月经周期异常 [多选题]消防救援人员在行走时,不得( )。
A.边走边吸烟 B.吃东西 C.扇扇子 D.搭肩挽臂 [简答题]简述我国教育法体系的几个基本层次。
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