One country that is certain of the effect of films
on tourism is Australia. The Tourist Office of Queensland say that Crocodile
Dundee, 61 Paul Hogan, made Australia the popular
62 it is today. In the three years after Crocodile Dundee
was 63 , visitor numbers doubled. 64
what makes people want to visit the place where a movie was filmed In many
cases the reason is 65 the film makes audiences 66
of the existence of a place. 67 the James Bond
movie The Man with the Golden Gun was filmed in Phuket, Thailand, most
Westerners had never heard of it. Today it is a major destination. Leonar A. acting B. playing C. performing D. starring [多项选择]在点污染源调查中,根据评价工作的需要进行下列全部或部分内容的调查( )。
A. 点源的排放 B. 排污数据 C. 用排水状况 D. 废(污)水的处理状况 [判断题]编制列车运行方案图的目的是解决列车运行线的布局衔接问题,但不用管列车运行线排列是否均匀。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列各项,直接影响当期损益的是( )。
A. 管理费用 B. 累计已提折旧 C. 制造费用 D. 生产产品原材料消耗 [名词解释]自我评价
[单选题](2802)双线四显示自动闭塞区间正方向越出站界调车时,如第一闭塞分区空闲,经( )口头准许并通知司机 后,即可出站调车。(1.0分)
A.列车调度员 B.车站调度员 C.车站值班员 D.信号员 [填空题]In many countries, authority is seldom questioned, either because it is highly respected, or because it is (36) . Sometimes, too, because (37) has been important in certain societies for a long time, people have been trained never to question those in authority. In other countries, (38) America, children are trained to question and search for answers. When a child asks a question, he will be often told to go to the library and find the answer for himself. By the time students reach the age of 14 or I5, they may be (39) exciting new ideas in all fields of science and the arts. To encourage such creativity, there are many national (40) offered to students every ear for their scientific discoveries and artistic (41) . This interest in questioning and searching may be (42) by some people as bad for young people’s (43) , that young people lack respect for authority. (44) However, this is becaus
A.测试终端性能差 B.网络带宽慢 C.组网设备性能差 D.干扰信号多 [多选题]SF6气瓶应放置在阴凉干燥、通风良好、敞开的专门场所,直立保存,并应远离热源和油污的地方,防( ),并不得有水分或油污粘在阀门上。
A. 潮 B. 阳光曝晒 C. 风 D. 冻 [判断题]国际贸易是指世界各国之间商品交换的活动,是国际分工的表现形式。()
[多选题]影响货运需求弹性的因素主要有( )。
A.货物价值的高低 B.货物的季节性及保鲜期 C.货物的集中程度及批量大小 D.不同运输市场上货运的需求弹性差别 E.承运者的收入水平 [判断题]产品组合宽度指一个企业生产经营的产品线中的产品项目总和。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]录井资料远程传输数据保密,有涉密数据的( )计算机送修时,应将存储数据的计算机修理登记[每空1分]
[单选题]在服务的过程中,电访员通过声音让客户感受到她们的微笑与热情,这满足了零售户的( )需求。
A.功能 B.情感 C.便利 D.价值 [不定项选择题]A.通草
A.蛇蜕 B.香附 C.独活 D.浙贝 E.香独活的正名是 [填空题]CE模板是做为CPU单元与PI/O单元之间的()。
[多项选择]下列各项中,符合企业所得税有关坏账处理条件的有( )。
A. 逾期2年以上仍未收回的应收账款 B. 逾期3年以上仍未收回的应收账款 C. 债务人依法被宣告失踪,其财产确实不足清偿的应收账款 D. 债务人遭受意外事故,损失巨大,以其财产确实无法清偿的应收账款 [单项选择]炉渣具有水硬性,当炉渣在含有适当水分的状态下加固时,强度随材料龄期增加而()
A. 增加 B. 减小 C. 不变 D. 无法确定 [简答题]光伏电站接入系统有哪几种方式?\(《光伏电站接入电网技术规定》\(Q/GDW 617-2011))
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