Although it is now possible to bring
most high blood pressure under control, the causes of essential hypertension
remain elusive. Understanding how hypertension begins is at least partly a
problem of understanding when in life it begins, and this may be very
early-perhaps within the first few months of life. Since the beginning of the
century, physicians have been aware that hypertension may run in families, but
before the 1970s, studies of the familial aggregation of blood pressure treated
only populations 15 years of age or older. Few studies were attempted in younger
persons because of a prevailing notion that blood pressures in this age group
were difficult to measure and unreliable and because essential hypertension was
widely regarded as a disease of adults. In 1971, a study of 700
children A. questioning the assumption behind certain experiments involving children under the age of 15 B. describing the new scientific findings about high blood pressure and suggesting some implications C. describing two different methods for studying the causes of high blood pressure D. revealing a discrepancy between the findings of epidemiological studies and laboratory studies on essential hypertension
[判断题]单人值班的变电站或发电厂升压站操作时,运维人员应根据发令人用电话传达的操作指令进行,可不用操作票。 A.正确 B.错误
Humans not only love eating ice cream,
they enjoy (21) it to their pets. Market studies show that two
thirds of all dog owners give ice cream to the dogs. (22) , says William
Tyznik, an expert in animal nutrition at Ohio State University, "ice cream is
not good for dogs. It has milk sugar in it," he says, "which dogs cannot (23)
very well." (24) by that knowledge but aware of the
desire of dog owners to (25) their companions, Tyznik invented a new
frozen treat for dogs that, he says, is more nutritious than ice cream-and as
much (26) to eat. The product, called Frosty Paws, is made of a liquid
by-product of cheese and milk with the sugar (27) . Frosty Paws also
contains refined soy flour, water, vegetable oil, vitamins and minerals. It
(28) Tyznik, who has also invented a horse feed (called A. harmful B. harmless C. effective D. ineffective
In 1998 consumers could purchase virtually anything over the Internet. Books, compact discs, and even stocks were (1) from World Wide Websites that seemed to (2) almost daily a few years earlier, some people had predicted that consuners accustomed to shopping in stores would be (3) to buy things that they could not see or touch (4) . For a growing number of time-starved consumers, however, shopping from their home computer was proving to be a convenient (5) to driving to the store.
A research estimated that in 1998 US consumers could purchase $ 7.3 billion of goods over the Internet, double the 1997 total. Finding a bargain was getting easier, (6) the rise of online auctions and Websites that did comparison shopping on the Internet for the best (7) .
For all the consumer interest, (8) in eyberspaee was still a largely (9) business, however. Internet pioneer Amazon. eom, which began sell A. in all B. in person C. before hand D. in reality
[单项选择] Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5
questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45.
Most banks in the US open at 9:00 or
10:00 and close between 3:00 and 5:00, but stay open later on Fridays, and some
banks have longer hours in order to attract customers on this day.
What’s the best way to carry money safely while you are traveling There
are three possibilities-personal checks from your country, travelers checks and
credit cards. Some Ame-rican banks accept foreign checks such as
Eurocheques (欧洲货币支票);the problem is that only those banks that are used
to dealing with foreigners will know what Eurocheques are. It
may be more convenient to carry travelers checks, which are insured against
loss. They should be in dollars, because only a few banks do much business in
foreign cu A. close the banks at 3.-00 p.m. B. close the banks at 5.00 p. m. C. open the banks earlier than usual D. close the banks later than usual
[判断题]用接地电阻测试仪可测量电器线路绝缘电阻值 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]关于土地征收和征用,下列说法不正确的是()。 A. 都是为了公共利益需要 B. 都要经过法定程序 C. 都要依法给予补偿 D. 都是所有权的改变
[判断题]高处作业吊篮应设置作业人员专用的挂设安全带的安全绳及安全锁扣。 A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]事故预防对策中( )是利用法律、规程、标准以及规章制度等必要的强制性手段约束人们的行为.从而达到消除不重视安全、违章作业等现象的目的。 A.工程技术对策 B.教育对策 C.法制对策 D.资金投入对策
[多选题]环网柜应在( )后,方可打开柜门。 A.停电 B.验电 C.合接地刀闸 D.悬挂标示牌和装设遮栏(围栏)
[单项选择]被俗称为物业管理辖区内“宪法”的基础规章是()。 A. 房屋预售合同 B. 售房协议 C. 物业管理规约 D. 物业管理规定
[单选题]肝包虫病与肝脓肿相鉴别的征象是( ) A.病灶周围肝实质充血水肿 B.病灶周围肝实质无充血水肿 C.病灶呈多囊 D.病灶中心有坏死 E.病灶内有间隔
[单项选择]公共场所毛巾、床上卧具微生物检验应做() A. 细菌总数测定 B. 真菌和酵母菌测定 C. 细菌总数测定+大肠菌群测定 D. 金黄色葡萄球菌测定 E. 大肠菌群测定+金黄色葡萄球菌测定
[单选题] 甲市交通局委托乙交管站对在该辖区内违章车辆进行罚款, 某日王某被 乙交管站处以500元罚款, 王某认为其罚款违法, 则王某可以向下列哪 个机关提出赔偿要求? A.甲市人民政府 B.甲市交通局 C.乙交管站 D.甲市交通局和乙交管站
[单选题]滚动轴承.齿轮传动的润滑主要属于( )。 A.流体润滑 B.边界润滑 C.间隙润滑 D.混合润滑
[多选题](JB-CH02)常用在管道上的法兰盖有那()类型。(1.0分) A.:粗糙面法兰盖 B.:椭圆面法兰盖 C.:光滑面法兰盖 D.:凹凸面法兰盖
[多项选择]疾病期间可食用稀释乳的为 A. 新生儿 B. 婴儿 C. 早产儿 D. 腹泻儿 E. 以上都不是
[多选题]夏枯草的功效是:() A.清肺热 B.清胃火 C.散郁结 D.清肝火
[单项选择]2岁小儿发热伴惊厥,最常见的疾病为() A. 高热惊厥 B. 中枢神经系统感染 C. 中毒型菌痢 D. 重症肺炎 E. 破伤风
[多选题] 2015 年 9 月 3 日,顾先生在某银行的存取款一体机支取了 10 张 100 元券,对其中 2 张心存怀疑,“总觉得不像真币”。于是他拿着机器打印出来的所取现金冠字号码的取款凭条,当即向网点大堂经理申请查询。该行的员工受理申请后,通过核对流水信息等方式确认这些现金是从该行的存取款一体机里取出的。同时,该行员工对这两张钞票进行了鉴伪,查明这两张 100 元现金其实都是 1999版人民币真币。以下说法正确的是( )。(5%) A.该行员工应首先鉴定所涉货币真伪,鉴定为真币的,不受理冠字号码查询申请 B.鉴定为假币的,受理冠字号码查询申请 C.顾先生申请查询还需出示身份证或其他有效证件 D.顾先生不可委托他人代理查询
[单选题]在室内给排水管道工程量计算规则中,水嘴、按()DN计。 A.洗脸盆. B.地漏. C.浴盆. D.坐便器
[单项选择]建筑工程物质损失保险的保险责任中,因发生除外责任之外的任何自然灾害或者意外事故造成的物质损失和有关费用,保险人予以负责,但是不包括在上述费用中的是()。 A. 必要的场地清理费用 B. 专业费用 C. 被保险人采取施救措施而支出的合理费用 D. 火灾造成的临时性工程的损毁和清理费用
[单选题]将指针万用表的正测试棒接二极管引出极,负测试棒接另一极,电阻大于10千欧,则该二极管为( )。 A.正极管 B.负极管 C.励磁二极管 D.稳压二极管
[单选题](2015年)当一个行业技术已经成熟,产品的市场基本形成并不断扩大,公司利润开始逐步上升,股价逐步上涨时,表明该行业处于生命周期的()。 A.初创期 B.成熟期 C.衰退期 D.成长期
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